--- On Sun, 1/3/10, David E Jones <d...@me.com> wrote:
> One way or another if we're moving things around,
> especially moving higher level stuff into the framework,
> then we should definitely discuss it first and even try to
> reach a consensus around it.
> For example, one specific idea might be to move some of the
> email stuff from content to the framework somewhere. Sending
> and receiving emails is pretty low-level, though that
> doesn't mean we'd want to move all of it as the
> CommunicationEvent stuff is definitely higher level and ties
> to many many other things in the system, and that's a much
> harder line to draw.
> For the most part the dividing line between framework and
> the base applications is that business-driven things stay in
> the apps, and technical facilitation and interfacing lives
> in the framework. If we want to change that, it would be a
> big change, and you can certainly expect some disagreement.

This is the same thing I tried to suggest. The framework should include only 
those things needed to get an application to run, and not include application 

>From my perspective, sending and receiving emails is an application. It could 
>run on top of the framework, and other applications could utilize it.



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