I'm not sure what you mean by "normally", I haven't seen anything come through 
here about the subdomains and certificates requests other than you mentioning 
it in related threads.  The email to cc for anything related to project 
infrastructure is the private list, i.e. priv...@ofbiz.apache.org


On 1/02/2010, at 11:44 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

> I copy this mailinglist normally, is there any specific emailadress that
> should be copied?
> Regards,
> Hans
> On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 23:35 -0800, Scott Gray wrote:
>> Hi Hans,
>> Thanks for helping to get this stuff sorted out, but could you please 
>> remember to cc the PMC on any infra requests you send out (it's part of the 
>> ASF guidelines for this sort of thing).
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>> HotWax Media
>> http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
>> On 1/02/2010, at 11:01 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:
>>> they seem to have a regular maintenance going and promised to get it
>>> back as quick as possible.
>>> Regards,
>>> Hans
>>> On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 23:48 -0700, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>>> Thanks Hans - I've been seeing that and it's appreciated.  Can you get the 
>>>> standard trunk version up in the meantime though?  Why is it having so 
>>>> much trouble?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ruppert
>>>> On Feb 1, 2010, at 11:43 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:
>>>>> I am pushing the infra team for subdomains and certificates
>>>>> On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 16:55 -0700, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>>>>> The site has been updated and I've pushed it - will take about 30 
>>>>>> minutes to propagate.  I have also put these redirects in place for 
>>>>>> bookmarks.  Hans, when you're back around, can you work with the infra 
>>>>>> team to get these servers up?  
>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ruppert
>>>>>> On Feb 1, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>>>>>> Sorry - I wasn't more clear here.  What I meant to say is that:
>>>>>>> 1. I will put the redirects in place
>>>>>>> -- There are tons of people out there with bookmarks and I'd rather not 
>>>>>>> have them just get an error.
>>>>>>> 2. And I will update the links on the site so that it will remove the 
>>>>>>> dependency in general.
>>>>>>> If I shouldn't put the redirects in place now that you know what I 
>>>>>>> meant to say (sorry for not being clear), then I can definitely do that 
>>>>>>> - but my guess is that both would be a reasonable idea for the 
>>>>>>> transition.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Ruppert
>>>>>>> ----- "David E Jones" <d...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but what is there to put in
>>>>>>>> place? Are you thinking of trying to set things up so that the old
>>>>>>>> URLs are supported? If so, why?
>>>>>>>> Why not just change the links instead of putting forwards and such in
>>>>>>>> place, which are going to be temporary anyway and also still leave a
>>>>>>>> dependency on Contegix (which I don't think is a good idea)?
>>>>>>>> -David
>>>>>>>> On Feb 1, 2010, at 12:52 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Jacques, Hans, since you guys have been very active in migrating
>>>>>>>> this information to the ASF infra, I'm leaning on you to help me know
>>>>>>>> when and how you'd like me to put this stuff in place.  It looks like
>>>>>>>> the four I've listed below are in place - but I'm not sure what the
>>>>>>>> plan was on the others.  
>>>>>>>>> I'm happy to help in any way, but I'm just supporting I don't know
>>>>>>>> what the intentions are of the people getting this stuff moved over. 
>>>>>>>> Let me know!
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Ruppert
>>>>>>>>> On Jan 31, 2010, at 11:05 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Here are the links that I know about - but there are many others
>>>>>>>> that need to be thought about in this migration:
>>>>>>>>>> build.ofbiz.org - http://ci.apache.org/projects/ofbiz/snapshots/
>>>>>>>>>> api.ofbiz.org - http://ci.apache.org/projects/ofbiz/site/javadocs/
>>>>>>>>>> demo.ofbiz.org - http://ofbiz-vm.apache.org/ecommerce/
>>>>>>>>>> -- Not sure where the other demos are ....
>>>>>>>>>> demo.ofbiz.org backend -
>>>>>>>> https://ofbiz-vm.apache.org/catalog/control/main
>>>>>>>>>> There are a few others that I don't know about:
>>>>>>>>>> demo904.hotwaxmedia.com
>>>>>>>>>> demo40.hotwaxmedia.com
>>>>>>>>>> bigfiles.hotwaxmedia.com
>>>>>>>>>> www.ofbiz.org
>>>>>>>>>> svn.ofbiz.org
>>>>>>>>>> etc
>>>>>>>>>> Anyways, I can make these happen ASAP since the DNS is still at
>>>>>>>> Contegix until it migrates to ASF shortly (at least that's what I'm
>>>>>>>> hearing) - so please let me know what you'd like to do - and what
>>>>>>>> you're changing on the site so that I can support these changes.  I
>>>>>>>> look forward to getting this up on ASF infra since that's where
>>>>>>>> everyone wanted to be going.  
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> Ruppert
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Tim Ruppert
>>>>>>>>>> HotWax Media
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
>>>>>>>>>> o:801.649.6594
>>>>>>>>>> f:801.649.6595
>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 31, 2010, at 5:13 PM, David E Jones wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, I do still own the domain. It expires in May of this year,
>>>>>>>> and I've been planning to transfer it to the ASF (if they want it, not
>>>>>>>> sure if/how that works...) closer to before it expires.
>>>>>>>>>>> Right now the domain is managed by name servers at Contegix so
>>>>>>>> that they could maintain things more easily.
>>>>>>>>>>> I can point it back to name servers that I control and then point
>>>>>>>> the various sub-domains wherever, and perhaps at this point that's the
>>>>>>>> best thing to do.
>>>>>>>>>>> How is the server at that IP address setup? I tried going to the
>>>>>>>> plain IP in the browser and it won't respond, which makes me wonder if
>>>>>>>> everything running on it is setup by virtual domain. If that's the
>>>>>>>> case then it will need to be ready to have demo.ofbiz.org pointed to
>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>> Also, is there just one demo setup over there for the trunk, or
>>>>>>>> are there various demos setup for release4.0 and release09.04? If
>>>>>>>> there is just one demo then I don't think we should point
>>>>>>>> demo904.ofbiz.org over.
>>>>>>>>>>> BTW, I've moved this over to the dev mailing list since it's more
>>>>>>>> of a project management thing.
>>>>>>>>>>> On a related topic: a better solution overall would be to change
>>>>>>>> all of the links to the new ASF sub-domains since that is the more
>>>>>>>> permanent home for all of these resources. I'm not sure if the ASF has
>>>>>>>> a policy on this, but I do think that keeping everything under the
>>>>>>>> apache.org domain and under infra control is the best way to go.
>>>>>>>>>>> -David
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 31, 2010, at 3:32 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Who has control over ofbiz.org? David?
>>>>>>>>>>>> what we can do is point this domainname to the apache vm so we
>>>>>>>> can keep
>>>>>>>>>>>> on using the ssl certificates....
>>>>>>>>>>>> do put: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> demo.ofbiz.org to
>>>>>>>>>>>> demo904.ofbiz.org to
>>>>>>>>>>>> i will ask infra for a second ip....
>>>>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hans
>>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Antwebsystems.com: Quality OFBiz services for competitive rates
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Antwebsystems.com: Quality OFBiz services for competitive rates
>>> -- 
>>> Antwebsystems.com: Quality OFBiz services for competitive rates
> -- 
> Antwebsystems.com: Quality OFBiz services for competitive rates

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