From: "Scott Gray" <>
On 2/02/2010, at 11:43 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

what we need is a wiki page where people can announce activities and
plans. Not only from committers but also from contributors and perhaps
even users.

I have proposed this before.

Scott: That's what we use the dev list for though right? What would a wiki page have achieved that simple discussions on the mailing list wouldn't have?

I totally agree with Scott, and actually this has been stated many times before. The dev ML has a far wider scope than a page in the Wiki. However I agree that at some point in the discussion a page may be needed. Please guys keep things simple, this is only good sense.

I don't want to be quibbling (though I'm sure I'd love it, a new word for me BTW ;o) but here is how I think we suppose things should go

Simple vs complex or big

* Simple: no need to discuss, this would else make things more clompicated than it needs.Of course here good sense may be tripped up (another new phrase, great day)
* Complex or big: discuss it on dev ML, may need a page in Wiki and/or  a Jira 

Hans, sorry to say that, if I'm not wrong, you did not copy your propositions on private to the dev ML. So many interested persons are not aware of what you speak about

My 2cts


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