Hi Hans,

Based on your recent commits I guess your considering this discussion over?


On 3/02/2010, at 1:01 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

> On Feb 3, 2010, at 8:43 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:
>> Jacopo,
>> what we need is a wiki page where people can announce activities and
>> plans. Not only from committers but also from contributors and perhaps
>> even users.
>> I have proposed this before. 
> I think we already have something similar:
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBADMIN/New+Features+Roadmap+-+Living+Document
>> In this case we tried to extend the existing ebay component but found
>> out that the xml interface could never support the required functions as
>> we needed them.
> This is not a good reason for stopping your research about supported features 
> and building a new component.
> The valid options I see are:
> 1) adding *new* features to the original component using the different 
> technology
> 2) and enhancing the existing features, where needed, using the XML approach 
> or
> 3) reimplement the existing features in the original component with the new 
> technology before enhancing them
> Jacopo
>> Please also remember that not all required functions
>> were known from the start.
>> Regards,
>> Hans
>> On Wed, 2010-02-03 at 08:30 +0100, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>> Hi Hans,
>>> first of all, thank you for contributing this big amount of code.
>>> On Feb 3, 2010, at 5:05 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:
>>>> Hi Scott,
>>>> I am also not sure if we need 2 components. That can only be decided by
>>>> the users of the original Ebay component isn't it? I do not know the
>>>> user requirements of the original ebay component.
>>> Having two components with potentially overlapping features for the same 
>>> integration in the official trunk will cause maintenance problems and 
>>> confusion; I guess we will all agree on this.
>>> I am not asking you to redo your job, it is too late, but... can we agree 
>>> that from now on, before implementing a new feature in the trunk (or, even 
>>> worst, before adding a new component) we have to study and understand what 
>>> already exists and do our best to enhance the existing stuff?
>>>> Now we moved the new functionality to a separate component it is getting
>>>> more clear if the old component is still required or not.
>>> This is a pain, but we will do this, I can't see another solution now, as 
>>> soon as you have completed your work: instead of you studying the original 
>>> ebay component we will have to study your new work and verify if the new 
>>> component implements all the features covered by the old one and in the 
>>> same way; if this will not be true... I don't know what we will do.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Jacopo
>>>> Let us first complete the new component and get it fully tested and then
>>>> restart this discussion.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Hans
>>>> On Tue, 2010-02-02 at 19:46 -0800, Scott Gray wrote:
>>>>> Okay so once I saw this I took the 5 minutes necessary to look at eBay's 
>>>>> services and start thinking that this commit is a bad idea.
>>>>> Please correct me if any of the following is wrong:
>>>>> - When you originally brought this up, you described the problem as one 
>>>>> of XML vs. API but I think what you actually meant is eBay SDK vs. using 
>>>>> XML directly?
>>>>> - You mentioned that the API (SDK) provides additional functionality but 
>>>>> it appears to me that it simply abstracts the use of raw SOAP or XML when 
>>>>> interacting with the actual API?
>>>>> Based on this I'm not sure that we should have separate components but 
>>>>> that the XML based component should just be moved to using the SDK 
>>>>> (assuming there are only advantages and no disadvantages in doing so).  
>>>>> Doing anything else will just result in twice as much code to maintain 
>>>>> with both components doing the same thing (or worse yet, similar things 
>>>>> but with huge differences in implementation from the user's perspective). 
>>>>>  Converting the existing XML integration to use the SDK will ensure that 
>>>>> we have a single solution in place and that no functionality in the 
>>>>> existing component is lost.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Scott
>>>>> HotWax Media
>>>>> http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
>>>>> On 2/02/2010, at 7:16 PM, hans...@apache.org wrote:
>>>>>> Author: hansbak
>>>>>> Date: Wed Feb  3 03:16:07 2010
>>>>>> New Revision: 905876
>>>>>> URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=905876&view=rev
>>>>>> Log:
>>>>>> move the java api functions from the existing ebay component to the new 
>>>>>> ebaystore component: no functional changes
>>>> -- 
>>>> Antwebsystems.com: Quality OFBiz services for competitive rates
>> -- 
>> Antwebsystems.com: Quality OFBiz services for competitive rates

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