On Apr 21, 2010, at 2:21 PM, Adam Heath wrote:

> David E Jones wrote:
>> On Apr 21, 2010, at 2:15 PM, Adam Heath wrote:
>>> David E Jones wrote:
>>>> I just want to make one thing clear related to this: if _I_ make changes 
>>>> that are not backward compatible then it's because they are really 
>>>> important and no one should question them; if anyone else makes (or 
>>>> proposes) a change that I don't like and I can raise the backward 
>>>> compatibility flag then I will, and you should respect that and just don't 
>>>> do whatever the thing is. Don't worry, I'll be sure to make strong 
>>>> statements and appeal to authority and popularity of patterns so that you 
>>>> can justify it to whoever you feel responsible to. Of course, those 
>>>> outward reasons are the very things that you'll never be able to argue 
>>>> against, no matter how inapplicable or extreme or pragmatically unhelpful 
>>>> they might be.
>>>> Now, if anyone disagrees with my position on this then that's fine, as 
>>>> long as you don't feel like you can behave this way and that you never 
>>>> have behaved this way. Any challengers?
>>>> -Not David
>>> Gah, I hate you now.
>> It had to happen sooner or later! ;)
> Well, that's great.  You are even funnier.  Quoting just the 'bad'
> part of the mail, that in context, was funny, but now, if someone
> reads this out of order, makes you look like a god, and me look like a
> moron.
> Maybe I should give you more ammo to do this.

You have an interesting way of looking at things. I guess I should STFU.


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