that works for me. Count me in.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  
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Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

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Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 12/9/2010 3:42 PM:
From: "Adam Heath" <>
On 12/09/2010 05:18 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
I have spent a lot of time (I mean in respect of my free time) this last
days to understand the problems.
It appears that removing the help was a great relief for our demo sever.

For few hours now we are running with

trunk: -Xms128M -Xmx768M -XX:MaxPermSize=192m (so max seems
768+192=960MB but actually it's more)
branch9: -Xms128M -Xmx512M

For instance now we have
Mem: 2573924k total, 2159888k used, 414036k free, 53672k buffers
Swap: 1502036k total, 50676k used, 1451360k free, 438000k cached

trunk 14896 ofbiz 20 0 1377m 753m 7956 0.3 30.0
branch9 18147 ofbiz 20 0 918m 670m 13m 0.7 26.7

As you can see at some stage we reach more than 960MB for the trunk
(1377 max, which is approx but anyway)

The main points:
* We have still around 400MB free, but I suppose it will be less just
before the 24h reload)
* We have anymore CPU running always near 100%, for instance right now
14896 ofbiz 20 0 1377m 757m 7968 29.7 30.2 19:57.63 java -Xms128M
-Xmx768M -XX:MaxPermSize=192m
18147 ofbiz 20 0 918m 671m 13m 22.4 26.7 14:23.55 java -Xms128M -Xmx512M

I will wait some days and, if things continue to go well, will re-use
more memory for our 2 processes. But I know there are other

Like David and Scott said if people are using the Artifact Info or other
gluttonous features (Birts?) we will be in trouble with our
memory quota. So if such things come back in the future I will suggest
to prevent users to use them on the demo server...

For the real problems, I think we should focus on fixing the online Help
feature. It seems that this isues is something relatively
new and a disect should help (I use this word because it's convenient,
on my side I simply use dichotomic tests with svn but I have
bigger fish to fry for now, that's why I have deactivated it). I think
it's not more than few days (weeks?), help appreciated...

Hate to disappoint, but all those memory stats you posted are
completely useless for actually tracking down what java is doing.

You need to become friends with jmap, jhat(both standard jdk tools),
and ibm's heap analyzer. Plus, sending the QUIT signal to the java

Yes I know, this is only to give a general information about what's
going on on the server.
As I have already wrote I'm actually using mat behind the scene
I'm also using -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError but most of the time get
rather out of swap issues when crashing, hard to trace...
One way would be mod_log_forensic... if someone wants to help...

In all honesty, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the higher
memory requirements of newer ofbiz is due to converting tons of code
to groovy. With it as a simple-method, or a bsh, both would end up
using heap, as they are interpetted. java or groovy get compiled to
bytecode, which ends up being allocated in the permgen area, which
might also get jit compiled. So, permgen needs to increase.

It does not seem that we have permgen issues. It's not yet clear, but
for those interested I could move hprof files from demo roots to
bigfiles dir...



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