From: "Mansour Al Akeel" <>


On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 2:07 AM, Jacques Le Roux
<> wrote:
Hi Mansour,

From: "Mansour Al Akeel" <>


We use RTL.
May be you are right about the the ease of use to find an item, but
the user who has permission to all these functionality is an admin,
and normally, she is comfortable finding any item quickly. The rest of
the uses don't have that much items and menus shown.

This makes sense for a deployment, not OOTB. It's IMO easier to select Flat
Grey, if you prefer, for your deployments and to keep
Tomahawk as OOTB default for the reasons I explained and others I add below.

Yes, this will work. So you are offering a fancier theme for the demo
purposes, targeting new comers,
and developers, can make a copy of FlatGray and customize it. Sound good.

I know, other themes may look better, or fancier, but most users use
flat gray to base their work on and extend/customize it, because it's
easier and cleaner. I am not sure if bigger organization prefer
fancier look and feel over cleaner. And to be honest, I think flat
gray looks more professional than others. Therefore, it give a
positive first impression, when demonstrated.

Additional themes may still exist beside FlatGray, but I recommend to
make it the default one.

What makes you think "most users use flat gray to base their work" ?

Sorry, I didn't express it properly. I meant most user based on my
experience. I have two developers, I worked with,
extend flat gray, and customize it as they need. This is not a number
that can be a base for a statistical study,
and generalize it. It's only my limited experience. Sorry for the confusion.

Could you define "easier and cleaner", and why Flat Grey is easier and
cleaner (besides that it's the only one that is RTL which I
understand for you is a must have)

Cleaner and easier in terms of usage:
The menu is at the top, showing all the available item, makes it easy
to see what I need in case I navigated to the wrong section, or need
section. Nothing hidden. In fact even as a demo, it has some positive effect.

and Cleaner and easier in terms of development:
Flat Gray code is not cluttered. (that is how I feel).

What makes you think Flat Grey looks more professionnal? For me Flat Gray
has not enough contrast. In other words all looks
grey/pale and it's difficult to spot things.

I work more with enterprise portals than with ERPs. From what I have
seen, portal severs default theme is mostly light,
with darker high light. And I find FlatGray closer to them than
Tomahawk theme is.

For example:

After all, It is not that hard for a developer to change the style of
OFBiz themes to reflect the colors she likes.

With Tomahawk I quickly spot buttons, links, etc. because there is more
contrast. Maybe it's
If you read me, it's not about being fancier but ergonomic which is for me
the only priority for the community to use OFBiz OOTB
(contrary to deployments)

It's the opposite to me. I find it easier to spot things using
FlatGray. But again not a big deal.

Also I'd like to know why Flat Grey is the only Theme being marked as being
Sight-Impaired Accessible? Adrian? I remember I began to
add <<title="Skip navigation" accesskey="2>> (which is really only a
small/poor beginnng) but that's for all themes. What is
specific to Flat Grey?

The only things I could concede:
1. Like 1 to 5% of the male population (women are rarely touched) I'm
daltonian (kind of sight-impaired ;o) so my vision about
contrast is maybe biased
2. Maybe, because it uses a blackboard background style rather than a white
paper style, Tomahawk is more arduous for eyes on a long
term (hours of work)

Yes. I can see this, and I agree.

Thanks for sharing your opinion :o)


Finally, it's a personal preference.
However, I like to keep FlatGray. Doesn't have to be the default,
Unless demos in RTL needed.

That's an important point, and makes me need to consider indeed! I mean it's not obvious for new comers that only one theme is RTL able I think it should be default because of that, and keep Tomahawk as OOTB alternative

Thank you.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 6:10 PM, Jacques Le Roux
<> wrote:

I see that most people prefer Flat Grey.

Let me explain why I prefer Tomahawk.

Did you ever wonder why the paper we write on has more than often a
height than width, why newspaper have many columns, etc.
Here is an answer

OK, my argument: don't you feel a pain to find an application, a menu
in Flat Grey? No? Then you are used to find it at some place and don't
anymore. Now just imagine the same for a new user...

This is where Tomahawk is better. It's far easier to find an entry in 2
colums (applications in Tomahawk) than in 7 columns (applications in Flat
Grey). Or an entry in an application (1 column for Tomahawk, up to 14 in
Flat Grey). Just try it

Another point: Product screens are awful in Flat Grey (to many buttons
menus, hard to spot). Though actually I believe Tomahawk would benefit
a third column, for instance for Product. This could be 2 twin columns if
more than, say, 15 entries would show in a column. Like we have for
Applications, though not sure how it's organized. I mean why some are in
right column and other in left one? Also something wich could help spot
entries quicker would be to allow sorting entries in menus by language.
now only done based on English.

OK, now there is the RTL feature. Who use it? Few I guess
( Which does
diminish RTL importance, but ponders it in choice for a default theme.

My 2 cts


From: "Ashish Vijaywargiya" <>

My vote will be to keep two themes in the project. IMO Flatgrey theme is
the best to keep as the default one for the project.


On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 5:18 PM, Jacopo Cappellato <> wrote:

> I) $OFBIZ_HOME/themes/*: move a few of them to "Attic" and a few of
> them
to "Extras"; keep just one (or two)

Jacques proposed to keep Tomahawk (default) and Flat Grey.
Olivier proposed to keep just one (Tomahawk, I guess).
No other comments so far.
What should be do with the remaining themes? Attic or Extras? Are there
volunteers for Extras? I would suggest that, if we move them to Extras
create *one* project only (for all the themes) rather than one project
theme... but I would love to get your feedback on this.


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