
As was discussed often before, we at least now have a standard reporting system included in the system which was moved from the framework without my agreement. I think this is an essential part of an ERP system and a framework component.

So does it matter that I, as a PMC member with over 2000 commits, do not agree that the Birt reporting system (and sure later the Help system) is not included in the release and said this pretty often?

probably not....


On 04/24/2013 03:01 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Are we ready to create the new branch or we want to postpone it?

Based on what we discussed recently, the plan could be the following:
* before the end of April, create a branch (13.04) as a snapshot of the trunk 
and without all specialpurpose components (except the ecommerce component that 
will be included for the dependencies we have on it)
** alternatively, we could postpone the creation of the branch (to May?), if 
there are ongoing efforts that we would like to include in the branch; we could 
still name the branch 13.04 or create it as 13.05

If we are ok with this plan I will take care of the creation of the branch 
before the end of April.


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