The approach we take at 1Tech Ltd is to enable easy third-party reporting tools integration - via database meta-data. Unless the client has no infrastructure whatsoever, they usually prefer to use their existing reporting tool with OFBiz, and exposing database meta-data makes that easy.

We could debate the merits of various reporting tools at length, but the end result will be that different people have different preferences. In other words, you're not going to find unanimous agreement on using any one tool.

So, I agree that reporting is core for business users, but forcing users to use a particular reporting tool seems wrong.


On 4/24/2013 6:03 PM, Ean Schuessler wrote:
I have to concur that the reporting feature feels "core" to me for business users. BIRT 
seems to be the most widely accepted standard since Jasper has gone "freemium" and BI 
seems like a huge selling point for us if we get it right.

I do have issues with the way BIRT is integrated (which I can elaborate separately). In 
some cases I run the stand-alone BIRT servlet directly. I don't know whether this makes a 
case for pulling BIRT out or keeping it in. I suppose what I'm saying is that reporting 
really needs to be present "out of the box" for us to make a compelling 
business case for the system.

----- "Hans Bakker" wrote:
As was discussed often before, we at least now have a standard reporting
system included in the system which was moved from the framework without
my agreement. I think this is an essential part of an ERP system and a
framework component.
So does it matter that I, as a PMC member with over 2000 commits, do not
agree that the Birt reporting system (and sure later the Help system) is
not included in the release and said this pretty often?
probably not....

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