On Apr 24, 2013, at 7:03 PM, Ean Schuessler <e...@brainfood.com> wrote:

> I do have issues with the way BIRT is integrated (which I can elaborate 
> separately).

Here the problem is that the ASF asks us to publish in releases only high 
quality and production code.
We can say that the current implementation of the birt integration and its 
reports is "experimental" and it is not a good fit for the release branch: if 
you look at how things are implemented under the hood there, at the jars and 
the versions it uses etc... you will realize that including this component in 
the new release branch expose us to the risk of potentially having to publish a 
huge number of bug fix releases [*]
But the component is still available in the trunk and if the community is 
interested it can bi enhanced or refactored there (contributions are welcome), 
and then we could also release it ("Apache-OFBiz-Birt-Integration") for the 
users that want to use this type of integration, want to use Birt but they 
don't already have it installed and want to run it embedded in OFBiz.


[*]: please consider that maintaining a branch and releasing a new bug fix 
release is a time consuming task (and releasing bug fixes too often is not a 
great marketing message) and here we are trying to prevent this risk; please 
also consider that who is pushing to keep this component in the release until 
now has shown zero interest in releases and did not help the community to 
maintain them or publish them or respond to vulnerability reports.

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