I like this idea and I have been working for a while for the front end e-commerce sites. We have been using custom themes based on Bootstrap and backbone.js and AngularJS. You can see this in action at http://www.thecharmworks.com/.

For the back office application, I would like to see all services exposed as RESTful web services and client side UI using a MVC framework such as AngularJS with responsive CSS framework such as Bootstrap. Client side UI will mainly use the Ajax requests and AngularJS MVC takes care of updating the UI.



On Monday, January 06, 2014 7:09 PM, e...@brainfood.com wrote
I agree that we should migrate FTL templates to ofbiz widgets for the sake
of consistency throughout the interfaces. However, I do have to say that
I would not use form widgets to develop a customer facing site. At this
point, Brainfood is pretty much at a consensus that we do not want to do
"page template" oriented development in the server at all. When you look at
applications like Google Maps it becomes clear that the "send post, alter
state, regenerate and send page" workflow is incredibly limited. The future
seems to look a lot more like applications written in Javascript that
generate HTML directly in the browser.

So, for us, the important feature is the JSON-RPC interface for this remote
applications. It would be genuinely interesting if we could write a client
side form widget interpreter that would delegate generation of the interface
to the client side and then supply the "action" interface via AJAX. That is
something we would be very interested in.

Refactoring the widget generation code to support greater modularity in the HTML
could be another target of such an effort. I made some modest efforts towards
a Bootstrap based OFBiz theme and I found it difficult to make progress with the
current setup.

----- "Gavin Mabie" <kwikst...@gmail.com> wrote:

It appears that the citing of Drupal/WordPress/Magento solicited quite
lot of comment.  It's a side issue really and whether some houses
prefer to
integrate existing solutions is besides the point.  More importantly,
commentators would agree that theme developement in Ofbiz does require
attention.  The vast majority of threads on this ML focuss on backend
business rules and processes.  That in itself is not a problem - if
regard Ofbiz as a Framework only.  It only means that, as far as
go, we need a better framework for theming as well.  This will
more participation from developers who have more of a front-end
orientation.  I would support a drive towards better "themeability"
2014.  In this regard I would like to suggest that we take a look at
VisualThemeResource entity which currently is currently poorly


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