First of all, I would like to mention our tentative roadmap for the releases:

        • February 2014 - Apache OFBiz 13.07.01
        • March 2014 - Apache OFBiz 12.04.03
        • April 2014 - Apache OFBiz 11.04.04 (last release of the 11.04 series?)
        • August 2014 - Apache OFBiz 13.07.02
        • September 2014 - Apache OFBiz 12.04.04

Summarizing, the new year 2014 will see the last release in the 11.04 series 
and the new releases in the 13.07 series; we will also issue 2 maintenance 
releases in the 12.04 series. We will also probably create a new release branch 
(14.?). This is going to be a lot of work and if we will be able to implement 
this release roadmap it will be a good achievement for the community.

Then, here is my personal wish list:

* integrate Atomikos Transaction Manager (to replace the existing old and 
incomplete Geronimo Transaction Manager); I did most of the work some time ago 
and also Scott helped me; but the effort is not completed (but we are close); 
this is on hold at the moment and it would be great to give it a final push
* refactor the Product Search engine (and related data model) and replace it 
with a Lucene/Solr driven search; the same pattern could then be applied to 
other areas of the system; this would make the searches fast and scalable and 
also reduce greatly the codebase and remove load from the relational database
* redesign security/authorization; there are different paths here (Adrian did 
some refactoring work already) but I would love to consider the integration 
with something like Apache Shiro: this would help to enhance the features we 
offer and also remove a big chunk of framework code
* complete the support for the Groovy DSL: I have a working patch to extend its 
support to all screen/widget code: with it you can write the same groovy code 
for services, events and widgets (data prep scripts): in order to complete the 
support for data prep scripts my patch needs more work
* continue and improve the maintenance effort of the OFBiz codebase: upgrade of 
external jars to latest releases, removal of old/unused stuff, better 
documentation of jar interdependencies, code review/enhancements, bug fixes, 
further modularization and slim down etc...
* about releases: start (again) the discussion and define a plan for issuing 
separately the framework from the applications


On Dec 31, 2013, at 1:55 PM, Adrian Crum <> 

> Maybe we can use the start of the new year as an opportunity to consider the 
> future of OFBiz and update our road map:
> -- 
> Adrian Crum
> Sandglass Software

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