On Mar 22, 2015, at 6:27 PM, Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> 

> I tried to begin a discussion on this subject few times, notably at 
> http://markmail.org/message/lgqhdtotwhfebqmw
> But nothing happened, so I think the best is to start a vote. I see 2 
> questions hence 2 votes, I don't think it's necessary to start 2 threads 
> because these 2 questions are closely related.
> So please vote for both questions, the ballot will last a week to allow 
> everybody to have a chance to cast a vote.
> You can refer to https://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html if you need 
> information on how to vote. I suggest we only use
> +1 = I'm for
> +0 = not sure
> -1 = I'm against
> 1) Do you agree to reintroduce the evicted specialpurpose components in 
> R13.07?

as I mentioned in the past, I may be in favor of adding them back to the 
release branch in order to simplify maintenance of bug fix backporting to the 
parties interested; however there are a few conditions that in my opinion we 
need to address:
* the components should be all disabled by default (at least in the release 
branches): in fact the specialpurpose components are allowed to override 
standard entities, services, screens, data with use-case (industry, vertical) 
specific information; the release branches should deliver by default the 
universal/generic artifacts and all the other stuff should be optional
* some of them are old and not maintained and I think that it is odd to add 
them to the stabilized branch and then discuss if we want to remove them from 
trunk and branches
* there are components that have issues (that can include license concerns 
and/or vulnerabilities): better to leave them out from release branches
* in my opinion it should be better to discuss how to release more than one 
product rather than a monolithic one

Because of all these factors, since you are asking for an all or nothing vote, 
I have to cast a -1.

> Notes:
> The question is not about which components should and should not, it's all or 
> nothing. Choosing component to put to Attic should be done in trunk as we did 
> with appserver recently.
> I proposed 2 ways for doing that in the thread linked above, depending on the 
> result of this vote this will be or not a new question (or might be discussed 
> again if the vote is positive)
> The 2nd is of more importance since it concerns future releases
> 2) Do you agree to reintroduce the evicted specialpurpose components in 
> future R13.07 releases?

One important aspect that you didn't mention in this call to vote is: in the 
spirit of ASF voting, the persons that will vote +1 are stating that they are 
offering their help in supporting *all* the components in terms of license 
concerns, vulnerabilities that may be reported on published releases (that 
undergo a series of audits by external parties); this is why I think that 
calling a vote for all components is a bad idea (a person interested in 
supporting component X will have to promise help for all of them, even the old 
ones with known issues).

> Note: Jacopo already started a thread about it at 
> http://markmail.org/message/vwyuaokuzcj44z6w that's why I decided to ask for 
> a vote to clearly and definitively close this chapter with the help of the 
> community. Personally I will be happy with the solutions the community will 
> come with.
> The current situation (all but ecommerce component evicted from 
> specialpurpose in R13.07 branch and releases) comes from a lazy consensus (no 
> formal vote) but weirdly now both questions concern a code modification so 
> can be vetoed.

Jacques, you are doing some confusion: this is not a vote about a commit, and 
my negative votes are not vetos.


> Note that the second question is not about releasing or not. So it's not a 
> vote on releasing a package, it's rather a preamble to future R13.07 package 
> releases.
> Thanks for your attention and please vote!
> Jacques

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