
I must admit that it's really hard for me to follow you. If you want people to join the effort you should try to convince them, pick them up where they are, just do some marketing for your ideas.

If you have the big picture in your mind, share it with us. And take critical questions as constructive help to work things out, I'm sure they are not meant to attack your efforts.

Telling people to shut up, be patient and to wait for great things to come might not be the right approach. And steadily mentioning past merits is not an argument for future changes and neither convincing.

To be clear, I appreciate your work, past and future. I do business using OFBiz for about 12 years now so I think I know what people have done for the project. But that adds nothing substantial to the discussions.

That said, please try to pick us up where we are and I'm sure people will join you if they are convinced that the work they are doing goes in the right direction. I would be glad to be one of them, if I can.

Thanks and regards,


Am 07.05.15 um 17:32 schrieb Adam Heath:

On 05/07/2015 09:42 AM, Julien NICOLAS wrote:
Hi Adam,

I'm not talking about how to do it but to answer the question : is the community want to do it ?

Is the community want to maintain only a framework and not an ERP ? Split the project in several part.

Maven could be a solution, but before choosing a solution, we must be sure that it is a common decision.
Then we can define action plan on how to do it and go ahead :)

No more endless talk. That's the status quo. It's a dead end. That's how things have been going, and Jacopo's own graphs have shown ofbiz in decline(namely, the number of commits to the project). It may not have been apparent, but when I saw that slide, my heart sank. It was obvious to me, that something had to change. The downturn in the graph was long, it wasn't something recent. It appeared that no one in the community was doing anything towards solving that problem. What I took away from that is a whole new way needed to be applied. Sorry if that ruffles feathers, but that's how I feal.

I'm creating actual code, in isolated branches, in the public, where everyone can see, with incremental, small changes(not one huge patch, which is the jira way). I'm not working in isolation. Please join the effort.

What I am doing is actually good, I'm giving of my time to ofbiz. I had been doing nothing for so long, so even if what I have started isn't used, I'll keep giving more time, and doing other things. Maven(and/or gradle, still haven't decided that) is just the start of ideas I've been sitting on.

ps: In the graph I mention, there are 2 large spike, outside of the average. The first was because of Jacques, the second was me. I cross-references the graphs from github for the same timeframe.

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