
very interesting analysis, thank you.


On May 13, 2015, at 10:26 AM, Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> 

> Hi Julien,
> Actually it's a very important topic. OFBiz indeed misses from the start a 
> way to include extensions in a snap. OFBiz was created in 2001, then 
> components was seen as a way to introduce extensions. And it did not work too 
> bad, see we are still there :).
> Then microservices was not a hot-topic, and OFBiz was a bit ahead with SOA , 
> then the EDA was introduced in OFBiz when it was obvious a workflow engine 
> was not the way. So in 2005 OFBiz had a state of art architecture. But then a 
> new generation of concurrents (open source ERPs)  was emerging. One of the 
> most proeminent was OpenERP (now Odoo). Actually note that OFBiz has no real 
> concurrents in the sense of no other is supported by a community like we do 
> here at Apache apart Adempiere, all others are owned by a company.
> But there is a lesson we can take from Odoo, it's its extensions mechanism (I 
> don't think other "concurrents" have the same extensions mechanism 
> available). Actually I don't know much about it, I never used it, and I know 
> there are also issues with it (*spaghetti syndrome*) but the idea worked also 
> for other projects (not ERP) to build a strong community. I sometimes wonder 
> if it's not a marketing way to build a community, but that another topic and 
> it would break the one we are currently discussing. Examples:
> https://www.odoo.com/apps
> https://www.drupal.org/project/extensions
> https://github.com/django-extensions/django-extensions
> http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/
> So I agree about the functional part, as you call it, but the point is more 
> the technical part: how to achieve this extensions mechanism.
> I see 4 proposed ways for now:
> 1. a patches manager as proposed by OFBiz-France
> 2. Git branches and a Git ecosystem (like GitHub)
> 3. Sub projects
> 4. A microservices architecture
> Sincerely, all have their limitations and drawbacks, and we should discuss 
> them. Note that they are not antinomic and could be combined. In the end it's 
> a huge and risky effort, we need to clear about what to do, if ever we do 
> something!
> One last things I'd like to add, is I believe the current situation is 
> because main OFBiz integrators are eCommerce sites providers (OFBiz has been 
> towed by eCommerce). So they have a minor interest in the ERP/backend side 
> even if actually they know it's what distinguish them from other more 
> traditional eCommerce sites providers like Magento and the now declining 
> OsCommerce (users ate too much *spaghetti)*.**Finally, this would not be 
> complete if I did not add my own rant. You can see the disinterest in the ERP 
> side because those companies need to build specific UIs for their client 
> (whatever technology they use for that). So, since the jQuery effort, almost 
> nothing has been done in widgets side. For backend I still find smarter to 
> generate HTML using widgets than to build all by hand, but this needs more 
> love, it's unfortunately the neglected part of the framework :/
> Jacques
> Le 13/05/2015 08:56, Julien NICOLAS a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> I was hopping more people will explain on this subject. It's exactly what I 
>> was thinking, that the functional part is less than the last priority of the 
>> project.
>> I don't know exactly how I can do it but I really want to start something 
>> that will use OFBiz as a framework. If it can be done with the OFBiz 
>> community, it will be really good.
>> Efforts exist but need people of the strong OFBiz community to be really 
>> better (GrowERP, BigFish, TERCompta, etc.).
>> It's a pity that every new company that want to work with OFBiz must work on 
>> it's own version to be able to integrate it. I don't think it's a good thing 
>> for the project growing.
>> And OFBiz community don't allow company to find easily other effort to 
>> enhance the software. And finally it seems that there is less than 5 peoples 
>> interested to work on this way.
>> Maybe I'm wrong, functional is not as important as I thought...
>> Sorry for the noise,
>> Julien.
>> Le 07/05/2015 16:00, Ron Wheeler a écrit :
>>> I agree with Julien's analysis.
>>> If I say "sub-projects" again, Jacques will whack me upside the head but I 
>>> really think that a restructuring of the way the architecture is presented 
>>> and developed would provide a number of benefits:
>>> - increase community involvement with less work for the current key 
>>> committers
>>> - reduce or eliminate sub-optimal inter-component dependencies through 
>>> clearer definitions and independent releases of components
>>> - reduce mixing of core seed data with demo and customizable seed data and 
>>> inter-component data confusion.
>>> - facilitate the construction of components and add-ons that do not have 
>>> undesirable or unknown side-affects
>>> - facilitate the injection of a smart installer that would allow the 
>>> selection of  components and templates as suggested at install time.
>>> - facilitate the development of an OFBiz marketplace for add-ons and 
>>> industry-specific configurations.
>>> - make the role of the framework as a base for other products much clearer.
>>> - possibly make it easier to "Moquify" the framework if the framework API 
>>> can be made less implementation dependent - lots of issues here that 
>>> already have been fully ventilated last week.
>>> Ron
>>> On 07/05/2015 7:28 AM, Michael Brohl wrote:
>>>> Hi Julien,
>>>> thank you for bringing this up!
>>>> I don't think that this is of no interest in the community, it's just 
>>>> overlaid by the many other topics we are discussing currently. I 
>>>> personally think that all topics are worth to be discussed and elaborated, 
>>>> maybe they have to be prioritised a little bit more. Right now it's a 
>>>> little bit confusing and not easy to follow (and contribute to) the 
>>>> discussions besides daily business.
>>>> I think it is an important topic to simplify the backend component's UI 
>>>> and have more sophisticated usability there. On the other hand, it is 
>>>> important to somehow show customers the powers of OFBiz and the many 
>>>> already set-up functionalities. It would be a big step forward if we find 
>>>> a way to make this customizeable. For an ERP, it would also be a big plus 
>>>> to have some kind of "business templates" (!= UI templates) on top of such 
>>>> a mechanism, like
>>>> - Your customer sells products over the internet? - pull the ecommerce 
>>>> template
>>>> - Your customer brews beer? - pull the manufacturing +x template
>>>> - Your customer has a small business? - pull the corresponding template
>>>> etc.
>>>> I belive that would require different configuration mechanisms, more on a 
>>>> database level with a clever UI instead of many different property files. 
>>>> And maybe a tool to chain services together on base of  such a template.
>>>> I won't reduce the functionality in OFBiz per se, as long as they are 
>>>> stable and/or have a maintainer.
>>>> I know of at least one contributor who is also working on a more 
>>>> sophisticated UI, maybe he shows up here also ;-)
>>>> So, without having a concrete plan or more thought-out ideas how to 
>>>> implement this, I would support such an effort.
>>>> As a community, I think we have to find a way to channel the different 
>>>> interests from core technology work up to the business layer. Some kind of 
>>>> overall project management would help but would be difficult to install in 
>>>> an open community. Too many open building sites in parallel are not that 
>>>> efficient.
>>>> Curious what others think...
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Michael Brohl
>>>> ecomify GmbH
>>>> www.ecomify.de
>>>> Am 07.05.15 um 12:48 schrieb Julien NICOLAS:
>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>> Since I work on the bootstrap theme in OFBiz, I have many thoughtful, 
>>>>> carefully read the ofbiz community exchanges and spoke with some members 
>>>>> of the OFBiz community.
>>>>> Today I am convinced that the OFBiz project is a framework that is not 
>>>>> intended to be an ERP. Its OOTB user interface is a nightmare and is not 
>>>>> really user oriented.
>>>>> Several topics that seem to have no link together, seems to be linked 
>>>>> around the same idea.
>>>>> The first topic is about functionality of OFBiz.
>>>>> On one hand, there is the OFBiz framework. It contains a user interface 
>>>>> to show the possibility of OFBiz, but must be changed during integration. 
>>>>> It also includes functional oriented features. These features split the 
>>>>> community between those who want to keep them in the project and those 
>>>>> who wish to exclude them.
>>>>> On the other hand, there are new initiatives,abandoned projects, old or 
>>>>> having no longer contributors (project manager, POS, etc.) who need 
>>>>> support, visibility, even if they are not added to the OFBiz project.
>>>>> A first approach was discussed with GIT. It can allow everyone to share 
>>>>> their work more easily with branch feature. Which is good but not the 
>>>>> best in my opinion.
>>>>> Another topic that is important to me is the functional part of OFBiz.
>>>>> Sharan explained me about its willingness to invest energy to make the 
>>>>> software more functional, and if it's possible to have a version with ERP 
>>>>> oriented for small businesses with minimal features but easy to use. Like 
>>>>> growERP or TerCompta offer. Using OFBiz framework but simplify the UI to 
>>>>> allow the software to be used intuitively without modifications.
>>>>> These initiatives come up against the model of OFBiz project. Who has 
>>>>> still not decided whether it is an ERP, in which case it needs to adjust 
>>>>> its UI or an automation of enterprise processes framework, which involves 
>>>>> getting rid of unnecessary features dedicated to ERP.
>>>>> There are several solutions that could help to make better the model of 
>>>>> OFBiz and satisfy the entire community.
>>>>> The first solution would be to limit the “OFBiz framewok” project 
>>>>> framework for automation enterprise processes and to have another “OFBiz 
>>>>> ERP” project which would use the framework as a basis, and which would 
>>>>> provide a user-friendly UI and dedicated tools to ERP.
>>>>> The second option is to find a way to cut the project in extensions. This 
>>>>> solution would have the opportunity to clean the framework and have 
>>>>> features as micro projects and therefore no longer a monolithic software.
>>>>> I see a lot of debate about adding new functionality that allow to 
>>>>> improve development, compile, manage sources, merge with another 
>>>>> framework, but the debate on the division of project extensions seems not 
>>>>> to interest. It seems to me extremely important to facilitate development 
>>>>> and therefore, ultimately, the visibility of the project in the 
>>>>> developers community.
>>>>> At Nomaka, we initiated an effort starting from the first solution. We 
>>>>> took OFBiz framework, deleted all the themes and created a new one. Then 
>>>>> we redesigned the interface to match a basic ERP.
>>>>> We started with actor UI. Disabled existing screens and created new ones 
>>>>> more functional and user-friendly.
>>>>> I find it a pity to work alone in my corner without being able to easily 
>>>>> share my work, without taking advantage of the OFBiz community knowledge 
>>>>> to guide me onthe right way.
>>>>> I wonder if we could work on this axis and balance the rigidity necessary 
>>>>> to have a stable project and flexibility that allow to include 
>>>>> non-committer contributions ...
>>>>> What do you think ?
>>>>> Julien.

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