Le 13/05/2015 15:04, Julien NICOLAS a écrit :
Hello Pierre,

Le 13/05/2015 12:35, Pierre Smits a écrit :
For what it is worth, the BOOTSTRAP_theme dev branch is a other way to
enhance the user experience. Unfortunately the work is not done yet.
The problem is that the GUI is a demo GUI. Then all the time you spend to solve all GUI problems, will potentially lost because nobody use it (and when I say that I think in particular to the order screen that is a nightmare...). It's better that OFBiz embedded GUI web framework (like bootstrap but not only, it can be bootstrap based tool for dashboard, etc.) and a documentation on how to use it.

I don't know if nobody is using it (I guess some are ;)), but I believe a lot are reusing parts of it. The idea is not only to provide a demo but also to provide ideas, bricks to be reused. Did you wrote your own totally from scratch :-o (I guess not even considering ideas) ?

Is the BOOTSTRAP_theme dev branch not a way to embed one "HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 
framework"  and use its artefacts inside widgets?
What are actually the parts you found so bad? How the widgets are generated, 
the CSS class used, how js is used inside of that, etc. ?

If we go this way (embed a HTML framework in OFBiz) I remember some proposed to use rather foundation, we would need to pick one and only one. Like wed did with jQuery as the main js lib that BTW we need to keep!

Also some have proposed to get further and use something like Angular https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-5040?focusedCommentId=13887287 or Backbone https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-5522?focusedCommentId=13885989 you name it...

https://cordova.apache.org/ ("aka" PhoneGap) is also worth considering see https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/48792051/mobile_web.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1429534402000&api=v2

We need to make delicate choices and quickly, time is flying...


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