The real difficulty is that if you want a genuinely mobile app and not just
"mobile web" then the approach has to completely switch. With a Cordova app
you no longer render pages on the server and send them to the client. To
behave like an actual "app" you need to approach it as a program written in
Javascript that renders HTML interfaces locally and communicates with the
server using a combination of JSON-RPC and REST. This would represent an
enormous refactoring of the entire interface but it would open whole new
horizons from a UI perspective. David has made some real improvements to
handle REST in Moqui's version of the control servlet that we would also
need to bring in (ie. you can bind services to a combination of URL and
HTTP method).

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Pierre Smits <>

> Hi all,
> There are a lot of mobile specific development frameworks out there. There
> are even a few projects under the ASF umbrella that cater to that need.
> What would you consider the best solution to pair OFBiz with? Of are the
> capabilities it delivers sufficient?
> Please share your thoughts.
> Best regards,
> Pierre Smits
> Services & Solutions for Cloud-
> Based Manufacturing, Professional
> Services and Retail & Trade

Ean Schuessler, Brainfood Co-Founder

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