Do you mean that we are going create ant tasks for every special purpose?

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

*OFBiz Extensions Marketplace*

On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 9:22 PM, Nicolas Malin <>

> Le 10/11/2015 05:54, a écrit :
>> This topic was heavily discussed in the past and I think a solution like
>> turning off the components is very quick indeed but not ideal.
> Completely, I'm sure a better ideal exist but difficult to reach.
> A second step, easy to reach would be enable a specialpurpose directly by
> an ant target :
> $ ant load-component -D"component=ecommerce" load-demo start
> or
> $ ant load-component -D"components=ecommerce projectmgr myportal"
> load-demo start
> This help beginner through easy command line to copy/past from
> documentation or expert by scripting to configure ofbiz.
> Nicolas

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