Le 28/11/2016 à 14:19, gil portenseigne a écrit :

Also creating new components that will provide simplified, standardized and easy usable processes will enhance adoptability of OFbiz, since it will behave as a ready to use *demo* component.
These new components could be the default ones introduced to new user, to show 
the capability of OFBiz to render simple and clean screens.

Then the existing components could be kept as "Developper ShowCase Screens", 
that introduce every functionalities available in OFBiz.

Thanks and regards


Gil, I believe this is what David kinda did for/with Moqui.

I also believe that having our own Maven repository for plugins is the 1st step in this process. For that we need to complete/enhance the current plugin mechanism (OFBIZ-8251)

Then we can create our own Maven repository on the demo server. I already spoke 
about that at



<<Now I'm more and more thinking about plugins and specialpurpose. When the pushPlugin Gradle task will be completed (not only in localhost), I'd prefer to have plugins available in an OFBiz common Maven repo (on our demo VM for instance). Then some of the current specialpurpose components and new components plugins would be maintained by their contributors>>


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