2013/2/10 Hagar Delest <hagar.del...@laposte.net>

> Le 10/02/2013 00:43, Rob Weir a écrit :
>  Spreadsheets are used by businessmen and not only mathematicians.
> I think that very few mathematicians use AOO at all.
> Even in the industry (in which I work for almost 15 years), MS Excel is
> not used to perform high level calculations. Even the nice charts we can
> see from complex tests are in fact exports from dedicated software that
> just give the numbers and let MS Excel draw the chart with all the bells
> and whistles needed (secondary grid, axis, legends, ...).
> Real calculation is made with specific applications, often developed by
> the companies to be sure they master the process.

+1. I remember a conference (I'm physicist) on which one person presented
charts made with excel. One of the senior scientist on the audience then
said "you are masochist, don't you?"


>  - In 3.4.1, "=0 ^ 0" returns 1
>>> - In 4.0, as patched by Pedro (see issue), "=0 ^ 0" would return an error
>>> - According to ODF, valid results are 0, 1, error
>> In other words, the results we were giving before were entirely valid.
> It just means that an acceptable shortcut was used. Giving 'error' would
> be valid too (regarding the ODF compliance).
> But I would not say that mathematics POV 1 as a result is valid. Even if
> some tend to think that 1 is OK.
>  Microsoft has gone decades with treating the year 1900 as a leap year.
>>    Should we?
> Agreed, who cares what MS Excel does? It should not dictate what AOO
> should do.
>  - We lose backwards compatibility if someone was relying on the fact that
>>> OpenOffice returns 1 as the result of "=0 ^ 0"
>> Correct.  The fact is we have returned 1 for this calculation for over
>> a decade.  Whether mathematicians think it is right or wrong (and they
>> do not all agree), that is what we did.  So changing it now has the
>> potential to break real user spreadsheets. So this is a serious
>> change.
> First, how many users would face such a problem when both the base and
> exponent are null???
> Again, real maths are not done in spreadsheets. So it's very likely the
> 0^0 cases would not break that many sheets and with an error, users will be
> able to spot quickly the issue and adapt to prevent that situation to be
> calculated.
> Second, and that's my main point here: you're angry about such a minor
> change when you don't mind breaking the backward compatibility of the whole
> extensions eco-system? See: http://www.mail-archive.com/**
> a...@openoffice.apache.org/**msg00107.html<http://www.mail-archive.com/api@openoffice.apache.org/msg00107.html>
> I'm lost about the priorities... and how end-users fit in your agenda.
> Hagar

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