On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Samer Mansour <samer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is an early investigation, I'm not familiar with Pootle.
> I will check to see if we can create a process to notify translators when
> something needs translating, such as their mailing list.
> In either situation I think we'll be gaining more translations with less
> overhead work. Its an improvement.
> Which pages we choose depends on what needs to be completed in each scope.
> I say we start with a small scope when we do eventually come up with a
> solution.  That way we can go revert if its not working well.  We should
> start with the Why page for this reason.
> Rob,
> If locale specific announcements don't happen often we could consider this.
> We could simply announce content for all locales, a conference in Spain
> isn't limited to those who read Spanish, or live there.
> A language release, isn't limited to a country or set of countries, as
> immigrants to other countries could use it.
> Am I forgetting any other cases for locale specific announcements?  Plus
> its great PR for all locales to hear we're global.
> My only concern is if there is multiple locale specific announcements a
> week, it may get busy looking, but it doesn't seem like its happening now.

There are two different things that maybe I was not sufficiently distinguishing:

1) Let's call the top center blue thing we have the "announcement"

2) And then call the column of additional messages we have on the right "news".

We could make the assumption that the "announcement" string is
project-wide and should be translated for each NL page.  Note that the
announcement is typically a string and a URL.  So the string is "Here
is important news about XXX" and the URL points to a page or blog post
containing details.  At the very least we should translate the
announcement string.  But in many cases we'll also translate the
supporting page.  But in some cases we won't.  So this might end up
being something where we look for a translation but have a fallback to
English if no translation is found.

The news column is similar, but I think there it might make sense to
have language-specific announcements also.

A data-driven approach might suggest keeping these announcements
together in one place, maybe an RSS or ATOM feed, and then have
metadata that describes its use.  For example, this announcement
should run from date A to date B in all languages, while this other
announcement is only in German between these dates, and this third
announcement (say a call for volunteers) can be done any time there is
room, but treat it as lower priority. Then we could rotate in
announcements on a daily basis without requiring explicit page and
column placement.

But maybe not start with that complexity.  Getting consistent use of a
template (any template) will make it easier to roll out more
complicated processing later.  So treating announcements and news as
site-wide for now is a good starting point.


> Samer
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 12:55 PM, Donald Whytock <dwhyt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>> > 2) Propagating a project wide change across all language subsites and
>> > requiring translation, e,g., a project-wide announcement on the home
>> > page or a new release that needs to be noted on the download page.
>> Is there a mechanism in place for at least announcing in each
>> supported language that there's significant news in English
>> ("translators appreciated")?
>> Don

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