Am 04.04.13 14:22, schrieb Jürgen Schmidt:

in relation to our budget planning I asked myself if OpenOffice has any
impact on the donations to the ASF? Well I don't know and we can
probably figure this out but the question is what can we do ti collect
more donations and use our brand more effective.

When I look on our main website I found a tiny donation link in the
footer only. From my point of view this is not good enough and we should
think how we can improve it.

I can think of a much more prominent and more visible donation link or
whatever to make clear that OpenOffice will still benefit from donations
to the ASF. We have more IT requirements than other ASF projects, we
generate more network traffic, etc. and all this cost money.

Furthermore I can think of a blog post to promote this in some way and
do a public call for donation. We should of course do this more often
with any public announcement.

And opinions or further ideas how we can improve this? It shouldn't be a
big problem for us to collect the money we need.
I disagree. Yes, we can help with foundings for ASF, but please do this on ASF Level. Founding money is not the task of a ASF project, It's the task for the foundation. It would be nice, if sameone from our project work with the foundrising team from ASF. I personaly would also welcome if the fundrising team use OOo to generate monay. But for my point of view it's not a topic we (as Apache OpenOffice) project has to care about.

So do this on Foundation level and not here. With other words: "Nice idea, wrong place." Just my option.

Greetings Raphael

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