The PPMC went through this some time ago, because there were OO.o-specific 
donation mechanisms that had to be either retired or redirected to ASF 
donations.  (There is a small-donation place for ASF donations.  I used it once 
to see how it worked.)  

Start here: <>.

As I recall: Short answer: the project can't solicit donations for 
project-specific purposes.  Longer answer: (1) Outside parties can raise funds 
*and*disburse*them* for whatever they want to support, such as student 
attendance at conferences, whatever.  GSoC provides funding to the GSoC 
"interns."  (2) That party can't claim any affiliation with ASF or an Apache 
Project and there had better be no confusion about that.
 - Dennis

PS: There was also a complex process to transfer an account balance from a 
project-targeting fund raiser to the ASF.  Ross Gardler should remember the 
details.  Louis Suárez-Potts knows more about the actual deal also.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Weir [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 07:21
Subject: Re: [Proposal]: Call for donations

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 8:22 AM, Jürgen Schmidt <>wrote:

[ ... ]
> I can think of a much more prominent and more visible donation link or
> whatever to make clear that OpenOffice will still benefit from donations
> to the ASF. We have more IT requirements than other ASF projects, we
> generate more network traffic, etc. and all this cost money.
[ ... ]
> And opinions or further ideas how we can improve this? It shouldn't be a
> big problem for us to collect the money we need.

I generally like the idea, and it would be easy to implement.  But we
should check with appropriate ASF officers (treasurer?) or committees to
make sure this would work, and to see if there are any rules we must follow
with regards to solicitations.   For example, it isn't clear to me whether
we're equipped to handle many small donations, or whether the ASF mainly
works with large corporate donations.  It could be an administrative
problem to get thousands of 20 euro donations if they need to be processed
manually, for example.


> Juergen
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