On Sun, Jun 02, 2013 at 11:06:40PM +0530, Rajath Shashidhara wrote:
> Hello Ariel,
> function:
> compareContentIds
> Description:
> 0 is returned, if the identifiers are equal. A value less than 0 indiactes,
> that the Id1 is less than Id2. A value greater than 0 is returned, if Id1
> is greater than Id2.
> What is less than?
> Is it below in the file hierarchy? Are alphabetic?

How to compare, depends on the implementation. For example,
ExpandContentProviderImpl::compareContentIds() first expands posible
macros in the content ids, and them compares the two strings. For now,
you can simple compare the strings lexically.

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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