On 13.06.2013 23:58, Marcus (OOo) wrote:
Am 06/13/2013 01:48 PM, schrieb Rob Weir:
On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 3:36 AM, Andre Fischer<awf....@gmail.com> wrote:
On 12.06.2013 22:06, Rob Weir wrote:

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Marcus (OOo)<marcus.m...@wtnet.de>

Am 06/12/2013 06:48 PM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:

On 12/06/2013 Andre Fischer wrote:

Can we have both? Some longer living, semi-'official' news and a more frequently changing list of recent blog posts. I find both important and interesting. And having blog posts listed on the main page may be
an incentive to more people writing new posts.

Adding "Blog" to the main navigation bar is surely helpful. For
something more similar to what Andre asked for, I've just committed a
test to
(if it gets published, no problem, it will still be in the test area).

There you can see a block with the titles of the latest posts, good to
show immediately what the blog topics are.

That's right. One (maybe radical) idea comes into my mind:

What if we stop the normal news (and the separate news webpage on
".../news/index.html") and post everything in the blog? And write some
headline on the homepage?

I was thinking something similar. Shouldn't all new stories go onto the

And once we figure out how to update this live from the feed, I'd love
to split the right side into three areas, one for the most recent blog
posts, another for the most recent extensions and another for the most
recent templates.

So in a small space we can rotate headline from the blog, as well as
templates, extensions, etc.

I like your ideas (Andrea, Marcus, Rob) in general.  But

- I think the distinction between blogs and news can be a good thing if we understand blogs more as personal opinions of individual community members and news as 'official' announcements. If we mix blogs and news then I see the danger that news will be swept out of view by the much more frequently
written blog posts.

The problem is a news item might be longer than we can fit the full
text on the home page.  So it natural then to put the full text onto
the blog and then a "teaser" on the home page.

But note that the blog has categories that we can define and use, and
if we want we could have a category for "announcement" or "news" or
"opinion", etc., to make it clearer.

Or name it "personal opinions". Then we can separate more clear personal statements of single people from the official announcements of the whole project. A clear disclaimer at the end of every text in this category will help - like Rob did in some of his previous mails.

You may want to read that particular disclaimer before suggesting to use it in other mails :-)


Or we could have a blog that we use only for official news, maybe map
it to news.openoffice.org or something.

Hm, then we have the same situation like today.

IMHO it is a bit like the problem with our Wikis on Apache. We have OOOUSERS and OOODEV. But only DEVWIKI is used. ;-)


- Listing blog posts, extensions and templates will only work if we have frequent updates of extensions and templates. I have to admit that I did not follow those two in the past months. Is there enough traffic to talk

Three new templates so far in June:


And four new/updated extensions in June:






We keep going to post news also on the homepage *and* get more blog

Another thing:
Put the x recent headlines directly between nav bar and "I want to learn more ...". Yes, that would put everything a bit lower, but we would get
of the right side and the entire page will be much more smaller. Better
mobile devices. And the news are always on top.

So a single column?

Another idea would be to introduce jQuery and implement one of the many


Unless there are objections, I plan to port it to the "real" homepage
during the weekend.

For me that would be fine.


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