Am 07/15/2013 09:04 AM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
On 14/07/2013 Rob Weir wrote:
In this specific case, for AOO 4.0, I'm suggesting we release any
additional languages that are 100% on September 16th. This is similar
to what we did for AOO 3.4.1. After that date I think we then wait
for AOO 4.1.

Releasing a new language should be rather easy and repeatable, so it is
something that we can do once a month (but I can understand that August
may be problematic due to holidays).

Ideally, we should have a monthly update, say around mid-month, where we:

1) Release new languages (of course, based on the same code revision as
4.0, exactly as done for 3.4.1) that have reached 100% UI translation.

2) Formally unrelated to #1, we make (unreleased) dev snapshots
available of languages that have UI at 75-99%.

As I haven't seen any objections, IMHO it's safe to assume we have an agreement.


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