The posting quoted in extenso below was made today to the en-Forum. I have no 
knowledge of Base or of the protocols of Wiki but I am anxious, as I am sure 
are all working on OpenOffice, that users have as good an experience with it as 
possible. This includes best advice. As I say, I have no knowledge of the 
workings of Base, but I have seen the level and quality of advice offered by 
DACM and other Forum volunteers who specialise in that area, so my instinct 
would be to accept his considered opinion (and hence his Wiki postings) as best 
advice. I am not certain how ths matter might be best progressed, so I thought 
it best to lay before the dev ML.

The full Forum thread is at
At present the subsequent postings are for information relevant to the below 
posting. I have inserted a few breaks to avoid gripes about long lines from my 
The posting is:
Subject: A Base issue cover-up?
Poster: DACM (Forum volunteer)

I consider it a distinct privilege to participate in this and other community 
forums, predominately in support of Base. The moderators have endured my 
sometimes outspoken critique of Base in the process of urging Base users to 
adopt a reliable database configuration for production data. I simply joined 
of  [b]r4zoli[/b][/url], [b]Sliderule[/b], [b]Villeroy[/b] and many others as 
we've sought to maintain a proper balance between transparency and Base/Office 
promotion -- as avid users ourselves.

As a result, any 'seasoned' Base user is now keenly-aware of the Base 
instabilities associated with storing database-files internally, within the 
Base .odb file, otherwise known as 'embedded database' files. We continue to 
encounter newer/un-aware users that have fallen victim, and find themselves 
desperately begging for help with critical data recovery. For instance, 
today's entry[/url]. 

Our support includes data-recovery, automated backups, configuration tutorials, 
data-migration tutorials, 
templates[/url], examples, personalized user-help, etc. To that end, I've 
painstakingly generated detailed tutorials outlining each of these solutions 
(up through concurrent database access among multiple users in networked 
environments) to the official[color=#FF0000] 

I understand the nature of a Wiki (and the ability to 'undo' changes), but 
apparently those tutorials were removed recently by [b]Eschmenk[/b] citing 
 rewrite of some confusing sections.[/url][/i]" Now I can appreciate any effort 
to clarify while condensing my prose, but this effort substantially eliminated 
the tutorials and all links to this forum (leaving all others intact), while 
further sanitizing the content of any reference to data-corruption or known 
Base instabilities/workarounds/wizards/etc.

In other words, [b]Eschmenk[/b] intentionally gutted the content and all 
references to easy/automated solutions, while effectively eliminating all 
motivation to avoid 'embedded database' files. What's left is a confusing and 
suspicious fraction of the original tutorials and information. 

This is troubling because we can no longer presume that new and inexperienced 
Base users have encountered data-corruption due to a lack of exposure to 
information channels. [color=#FF0000]If [b]Eschmenk[/b] represents an insider, 
then we we will soon be encountering victims who have lost data due to a lack 
of motivation/awareness, due to the sanitized nature of the propaganda allowed 
through official channels.[/color] 

Thankfully, we enjoy much greater transparency in this forum which serves to 
overcome the intentional misrepresentation of the facts by insiders. But it 
still hurts to realize that we have such [apparent and blatant] dishonesty in 
the form of a cover-up extant in the open-source community.  :(

See [url=]related excerpt[/url] (Sep 
03, 2013) from: [url=]FAQ (Base) - 
Apache OpenOffice Wiki.pdf[/url] 

Rory O'Farrell <>

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