Am 02/08/2014 11:51 PM, schrieb Kay Schenk:
On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Marcus (OOo)<>  wrote:

Am 02/08/2014 07:44 PM, schrieb Kay Schenk:

  On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Marcus (OOo)<>

  Am 02/07/2014 07:16 PM, schrieb Rob Weir:

   On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Donald Whytock<>


  On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Rob Weir<>    wrote:

   Is anyone else noticing that almost no one uses the link to report

website issues to actually report website issues?

I wonder whether we're making it harder for ourselves by having this
link?  I don't mind getting support questions to the dev list, but the
non-informative subject lines we get is unhelpful.

Maybe send web site issue reports to Bugzilla instead?

   I've never actually seen this link...just seen the results of it

assume it leads to a form?

  In the footer of every page there is a "contact
link.  That loads this page:

Notice that user, unless they are standing on their heads and reading
from the bottom of the page up, must ignore the advice for support
questions, ignore the advice for reporting bugs, ignore the note that
says that the following instructions are *not* for user support, and
then click the link that clearly says it is for reporting website

I'm at a loss at how it happens that users reach that point.

OK, at the moment we trust in the users to use this link only for website
issues. This is failing as we can see.

What about to try the opposite way:

- Remove the text and link.
- Then the users will find another way (yes, I'm pretty sure they will
- And from there the problem will be reported to us via dev@ - as other
mails got redirected to this ML already.

As the number of real website issues is much, much smaller than the
of misused mails, I believe that we can try this.

So, anything against to try to go this way and see what will happen?


These are obviously users in need of product help. We have some
on the Contact Us page for them, but, this is either not understood or not
being used, or users prefer mailing list contact vs signing up for a Forum
account.   I think we should try to fix that area first before removing
correct link to report Web site problems.

OK, do you have an idea? Because I'm - like Rob - out of ideas.

For me it is really obvious which way to go - *or not to go* - with
problems. Everything is there.


yes.. I posted something in this thread yesterday and yet I can't find it
in the archives (hmmmm, I wonder what happened?)-- so here goes again...

How about if we change --
If you are a user and need technical support...

If you are a user and need help with Apache OpenOffice...

OK, goes into the direction ob Rob's suggestion.

and change --

The fastest way to get expert help with OpenOffice is to post a question in
our support forum. Other support mechanisms, including FAQs, a users
mailing list, commercial support, etc., are described on our Support Page.

to --

The fastest way to get expert help with OpenOffice is to post a question in
our support forum.

Or contact the users mailing list. (we would need some kind of subject here)

Other support mechanisms, including FAQs,  commercial support, etc., are
described on our Support Page.

Yes, could bring the missing few % to 100%.

I could also think about to change the bottom headline,

"For problems with the website..."

"For problems with the technical infrastructure..."


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