Am 03/25/2016 08:58 PM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
On 22/03/2016 Marcus wrote:
It seems we could have a consensus in creating a new MANAGED or DONE
status to set when issues are no real code problems, but more
user-oriented. Finally, they were solved for the user's satisfaction
(e.g., provided how-to's or repaired documents, etc.). However, no fix
in the source code has been done.

When something is fixed, it's fixed. Why bother inventing new terminology?

because your first sentence is already wrong. ;-)

For an issue that impacts code (example: update a library)
RESOLVED-FIXED means that the source code was updated. Bugzilla tracks
the relevant commit. A target might be set by the developer who is
taking care of the fix to make it clearer what version will contain the
fix. I always use it, but I don't consider it mandatory.

*When* a code fix is involved, then this paragraph is correct ...

For an issue that does not impact code (example: fix a page on the Wiki)
I've always used RESOLVED-FIXED too. I don't see a reason to
differentiate this case from the one above: for the reporter, this is

... but this is not correct (or not pefect if you want) when thinking a bit more.

Our BZ is used more and more for normal user problems and help desk topics. These are mosty not code-related. I don't like this. But the solution would be to install someone as gatekeeper that stops any user-problem discussion immediatelly and closing these issues. This is not a good user experience. So, I think we have to live with user problems in our BZ.

Still, if we want to differentiate, I agree that we could be stricter in
always assigning a target when something is marked RESOLVED-FIXED (at
latest). If it is a code fix the target will be a version, if it is not
related to any specific version the target will be the new NONE (or N/A,
or whatever conveys the meaning of "not applicable").

We want to use a different resolution status to underline that the respective issue *and* its solution has nothing to do with the code. And that's the topic of this mail thread.

This is very helpful especially when you create a search and you can see at first view in the result list which issue is code related and which is not.

That's also the reason why other issue trackers like JIRA have different resolution status for issues that are resolved. To make it visible very easy and fast to see what's up.

Of course you have to use it correct to reach this goal. But using $your_favorite_issue_tracker in the right way this a completely different topic. ;-)

Within this thread the agreemnt seems to be to use RESOLVED - MANAGED or RESOLVED - DONE. In the meantime I tent to RESOLVED - DONE.


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