Am 03/26/2016 12:13 AM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
On 25/03/2016 Marcus wrote:

Within this thread the agreemnt seems to be to use RESOLVED - MANAGED or
RESOLVED - DONE. In the meantime I tent to RESOLVED - DONE.

If the aim is to create less confusion, all proposals I've seen have the
result of bringing more confusion! So:

I don't see why this brings more confusion. It's the opposite, one status for "resolved with a code fix" and the other for "resolved somehow else".

- FIXED, MANAGED, DONE are very close in meaning, at least for me. If
you want to single out the "nothing to do with code" situation, I
recommend that we go for something more explicit, like NOCODE or
similar. So RESOLVED-NOCODE would simply mean "resolved without any code
being committed". It doesn't have to be "NOCODE", but it should be
something that means "nothing to do with code", and DONE does not really
convey the right meaning here.

Then NOCODEFIX sounds more concrete.


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