Am 03/22/2016 04:48 PM, schrieb Dennis E. Hamilton:
Many interesting ideas, ...

-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Marcum []
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 03:35
Subject: Re: Can we add the value "N/A" to the Target Milestone field

On 03/22/2016 05:02 AM, Marcus wrote:
Am 03/22/2016 10:00 AM, schrieb Marcus:
[ ,,, ]
[ ... ] what about RESOLVED -
This word is maybe better known in the world. This term shows that
issue has some work in it and was tackled. With a closing comment you
can see where and why it was successful managed (resolved).

from Jira I also know that RESOLVED - DONE is a common way to say that
an issue was successfully resolved.


Having a RESOLVED - DONE would be especially good for tasks also.


MANAGED is interesting because of its flexibility. How it was managed should be 
accounted for in the commentary.


DONE does seem to apply to Tasks and Enhancement requests.

Right, and user requests are very often nothing else (e.g., "my document is broken, how to repair it?").

DECLINED also seems to apply to both Tasks and Enhancements.  It is also a 
counterpart to ACCEPTED in those cases.

Yes, it doesn't indicate that there is a solution/workaround available.

It seems we could have a consensus in creating a new MANAGED or DONE status to set when issues are no real code problems, but more user-oriented. Finally, they were solved for the user's satisfaction (e.g., provided how-to's or repaired documents, etc.). However, no fix in the source code has been done.

At qa@ Pedro Lino made some useful observations about how terms impact 
reporters and observers of the Bugzilla activity.

In respect to that, I have been using WONTFIX as a way to indicate that we have 
no capacity to do anything about an issue, especially a longstanding one.  This 
is primarily a way of discouraging non-project commenters arguing among 
themselves and to also indicate that the issue is understood, recognized, and 
continued lobbying is not useful.  I think DECLINED may be useful in some of 
those cases, but WONTFIX is more truthful when the project doesn't have a way 
to do anything.  NOTFIXING is closer to the reality.  (CANTFIX would also 
indicate that the problem is not with the issue, but with project capability at 
this time.)  The door is not closed completely, but it is not clear when the 
door will ever be opened.

I agree that we do need a diagram and a description of the general application 
of Bugzilla categories and resolution cases.  We might also need to revisit how 
the search defaults work with respect to the various categories.  This seems 
like a good Wiki [update] effort.  We also don't want to split things into so 
many categories that application and understanding becomes more difficult.

After we have an agreement I can take over this task to grep the data in Wiki to consolidate and update them with the new information.


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