I have learned enough about Git to attempt a new Windows build. I am building on a Windows 10 system, using the 64-bit Cygwin, and keeping detailed notes of any problems with the instructions.

1. I got very confused between what I should be getting from https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/Building_Guide_AOO#General_Build_Requirements and what from https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/Building_Guide_AOO/Step_by_step#Build_with_Cygwin_64-bit

The "general" had a lot of conditionals.

I think it could be made easier to use if one could just start from the step-by-step and have it link to common web pages for anything that really is common.

2. There is no /cygdrive/c/temp. /usr/tmp is a temporary directory.

3. Command "lynx -source rawgit.com/transcode-open/apt-cyg/master/apt-cyg > apt-cyg" failed because I had not been told to install lynx.

Unclear how much can be omitted in this area if the required packages, and their dependencies, have already been installed through the Cygwin setup program, as will be the case if following the instructions. It is really necessary to provide an alternative?

4. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3138 gets an error page "We're sorry, this download is no longer available."

At this point, I am officially stuck.

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