Hi Patricia,

Am 15.02.20 um 20:36 schrieb Patricia Shanahan:
> I have learned enough about Git to attempt a new Windows build. I am
> building on a Windows 10 system, using the 64-bit Cygwin, and keeping
> detailed notes of any problems with the instructions.
> 1. I got very confused between what I should be getting from
> https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/Building_Guide_AOO#General_Build_Requirements
> and what from
> https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/Building_Guide_AOO/Step_by_step#Build_with_Cygwin_64-bit
> The "general" had a lot of conditionals.
> I think it could be made easier to use if one could just start from
> the step-by-step and have it link to common web pages for anything
> that really is common.
> 2. There is no /cygdrive/c/temp. /usr/tmp is a temporary directory.
/"(or any other temporary directory of your choice)"/
> 3. Command "lynx -source
> rawgit.com/transcode-open/apt-cyg/master/apt-cyg > apt-cyg" failed
> because I had not been told to install lynx.

I have never understood or used these instructions regarding lynx.

> Unclear how much can be omitted in this area if the required packages,
> and their dependencies, have already been installed through the Cygwin
> setup program, as will be the case if following the instructions. It
> is really necessary to provide an alternative?
> 4. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3138 gets
> an error page "We're sorry, this download is no longer available."
> At this point, I am officially stuck.

As anyone else is, Microsoft has pulled that download long ago.

(As you may remember, we wrote about that and I sent you a Dropbox link
where you can download it from)



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