Jörg Jahnke wrote:
> Hi,
> the reason why the Wiki page speaks of mandatory tests I have mentioned
> in a previous mail:
> Jörg Jahnke schrieb:
>> The problem with such tests not being mandatory is that, sooner or
>> later, some tests would break. That again would lead to a state where
>> the user of the tests could not be sure whether a broken test-case
>> means that he introduced a bug or whether he just encountered an old
>> problem that broke the test-cases before. He would have to start a
>> tedious search to find out the cause of the problem - just like the
>> testers have to do nowadays. And then people would simply not use the
>> tests because the efforts are too high...
> Ause just informed me about another solution that might remove the need
> to have the test run on every CWS i.e. we wouldn't need to have the
> tests mandatory. His idea is to run the tests on the Master Workspace
> prior to announcing the CWS as "ready for CWS use". If a test fails then
> this would result in a P1 issue that has to be fixed before the MWS can
> be used by everyone. Very similar to how we handle it for the Smoketest
> on the MWS nowadays.

That's not the same (not even similar). The smoketest is also done on
every CWS and it's mandatory. This ensures that it works in all cases
with the exception of the rare cases where 1) either a platform specific
problem appears and this platform was not tested or 2) the integration
of multiple CWSs exposed to a problem which was not there in the
respective CWSs.

> Additionally the list of tests to run would be checked in to CVS, so
> that we could disable a tests for every user on a given milestone if a
> fix cannot be done in time.
> That way a developer could get an _optional_ means at hand of doing
> regression tests, with no obligation to always run these tests. If the
> developer feels that he should run the tests, then he could do so and
> invest the (machine) time. If he thinks that the tests will be no
> additional help, he just does not run them.
> Of course the question then is how often such a regression happens. If
> we have to expect to have half a dozen P1 bugs each milestone due to the
> mass of regressions, then the "mandatory for every CWS" seems the better
> solution to me. But if we expect to have such a P1 bug from the
> automatic tests only once every 2 or 3 milestones (or hopefully even
> less often), then this seems an acceptable way to me.
> Does that make sense?

Well, this moves the burden of hunting down which of the 40 or so
simultaneously integrated CWSs is responsible for the regression down on
RE, usually even with a considerable time pressure (you don't want to
know how many times Kurt and I have been asked when m212 will be ready).
That's absolutely not the idea behind all this.

We know that the cost of a bug is smallest if found as early as
possible. The best thing is if the responsible developer finds it. The
developer usually has an immediate idea where to look if something
happens and there is no need for having the considerable overhead of
filing and tracking a specific bug.

One of the better way of ensuring that as many bugs can be found as
early as possible are regression test. For this to work well four things
need to be ensured:

0) The regression test must be reasonable. This means it must be easy to
start and must finish in an acceptable time. After it's finished it must
be immediately clear if it was successful or if it failed.

1) If the regression test fails than only a change in the latest
development (read CWS) can be responsible for triggering it, otherwise
we'll place to much burden on the developer (look at the current
situation with assertions). This means, of course, that the main code
line has to be clean with respect to the regression test all the time.

2) To fulfill the condition mentioned in 1) (main code line always
clean) no CWS with a regression regarding these tests can ever be
integrated. It's of course allowed to temporarily disable certain tests
(if they need to be rewritten etc) with a CWS, but then they will be
disabled in the main code line as well.

3) The only way to fulfill 2) is to make the regression test mandatory
on a CWS.

RE will do the same tests on the MWS as well. But this is only for
catching the issues arising due to simultaneous integration and to have
a fallback for the odd cases (like regressions which only happen on a
single platform which was not tested etc).

I will vote strongly against moving the whole responsibility of ensuring
that the regression tests still do work on RE where it will lie if the
tests are optional on a CWS. The reason is that RE usually has no
immediate idea why something goes wrong, thus RE would have to initiate
a full bug search, file and handling cycle. This could delay the
publishing of a milestone quite a bit. It's also nearly as costly as the
current situation, where QA does initiate the issue cycle.

If we want to make regression tests a working tool we have to share
responsibility: The developer ensure on their CWS that their changes do
not break the regression tests, RE ensures that there is no breakage due
to integration and also tests on all platforms, which would be to much
of a burden in a CWS.


> Jörg
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