On Thu, 2007-11-08 at 12:14 +0100, Bernd Eilers wrote:

> This process will break if developers do not use the correct templates 
> which is a defined process for creating new specifications.

A defined process !?  By who?  I thought we (Sun and non-Sun) agreed
when we had that big spec process discussion back in 2006[1] that the
format of the specification no longer matters, but the content does.
Someone even suggested that we write in plain text or just in the issue
page.  Did I miss any other "important" discussion that took place since

> You can use:
> http://so-web.germany.sun.com/EIS2/servlet/guide.CheckSpecification

Sorry, "server not found" error here. :-(


[1] http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=18118

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