Kohei Yoshida wrote (9-11-2007 17:34)

Still, 90% is still a good success rate, don't you think? :-) If that
dropped to 70%, then I'd worry, but 90% sounds still success enough to
me.  But maybe I'm being too optimistic.

Well, since we try to make every neat new feature known, it just is a pity that it takes so much time to collect the last 10 %.

Just to be clear, nothing gets me more excited than knowing that a
feature I work to create is being marketed.  So, I would be the last
person to hide his own features.  I even have by own blog for that.  So,
if you point me to your own compilation of new features, and I don't see
my feature included there, I would even complain loudly "hey you forgot
my feature". ;-)

Think I'm going to test that ;-)

Thanks for the discussion, Kohei. I'm only (...) at the marketing/user side of it. But what I hope for, is clear :-)


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