On Fri, 2007-11-09 at 15:39 +0100, Cor Nouws wrote:
> Hi Kohei,
> Kohei Yoshida wrote (9-11-2007 15:21)
> > On Fri, 2007-11-09 at 08:54 +0100, Cor Nouws wrote:
> >> Count for 2.3.0 is only (...) about 70.
> >> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/New_Features_2.3#Full_list
> >>
> >> Though some structured data/lists were available, it took more that a 
> >> day to only discover all features. Some simply had to be dug out 
> >> Issuetracker.
> >> And one feature was discovered a month after the release of 2.3.0 :-)
> > 
> > If only one feature is missing out of 70, it's not so bad IMO.  That
> > means we attain a 98% success rate.  It's just a matter of whether the
> > glass is half empty or half full. ;-)
> No, I picked up about 5 or 6, that were not on the regularly produced 
> lists. And not only small, obscure features.
> Plus the one that came a month later, just discovered by chance. The 
> work on the list was finished by four weeks at that moment. Therefore 
> that one deserves a honourable mentioning, IMO :-)

Ah, OK. :-)

> So, 98% is OK, but appr. 90% :-\

Still, 90% is still a good success rate, don't you think? :-) If that
dropped to 70%, then I'd worry, but 90% sounds still success enough to
me.  But maybe I'm being too optimistic.

Just to be clear, nothing gets me more excited than knowing that a
feature I work to create is being marketed.  So, I would be the last
person to hide his own features.  I even have by own blog for that.  So,
if you point me to your own compilation of new features, and I don't see
my feature included there, I would even complain loudly "hey you forgot
my feature". ;-)


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