Hi Kohei,

On Thursday, 2008-05-08 00:22:10 -0400, Kohei Yoshida wrote:

> > If I recall correctly, the module with the most unused methods that
> > doesn't have anything in the pipeline to remove them is sc, so there's
> > where the lowest hanging fruit should be.
> Since no one has raised hands, let me tackle that.

Thanks a lot!

Just a note though: please don't blindly remove everything that appears
to be unused, e.g. while ScCompressedArray::GetPrevValue() is currently
unused it is the counterpart of GetNextValue() and IMHO should be kept
for completeness of implementation. It is also some inline template
code, so shouldn't hurt either. Removing FillDataArray() on the other
hand is fine because it was used in just one special scenario.


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