
On 16.08.2010 16:56, Björn Michaelsen wrote:
> Am Mon, 16 Aug 2010 16:12:50 +0200
> schrieb "Rony G. Flatscher" <>:
>> Maybe a last question: which Linux distributions are known to be 100%
>> compatible in their Java interfaces to OOo with the genuine OOo ?
> At least openoffice-bin on gentoo as it _is_ the "genuine OOo" build by
> Hamburg RelEng.
Great, thank you very much for this information!

Does anyone of any other distributions by any chance?

(Due to a package that excercises the Java-UNO-bridge I have stumbled
over Ubuntu's distro which seems to be broken in that area and read
about other distributions that at least used to cripple OOo by removing
some if not all of the genuine Java support).



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