Hi René,

On 07.06.2011 11:30, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 07, 2011 at 11:03:00AM +0200, rony wrote:
>> "unoinfo java" and interestingly "unoil.jar" is missing! Did a "locate
>> unoil.jar" after an "updatedb", but it is not installed. So this is
> Obviously totally untrue. I don't think Ubuntu removed unoil.jar, that
> would break everything Java-ish.
Just because you think it is "untrue", you infer it is "untrue"?

This is the story for the current Ubuntu 11.04, plain-vanilla
installation, after having gone further:

    * Ubuntu 11.04 does *not* install any of the Java classes in
      "/usr/lib/libreoffice/basis-link/program/classes", though it
      installs the Java support in
    * as a result the scripting framework does *not* work,  nor many
      other Java-related programs, as you have noted.

Why they do it, I do not know. It is breaking/crippling the office bad
times and looks quite amateurish to me.

> Did you install libreoffice-java-common? 
No, am I supposed to do so on Ubuntu? Where would I learn this from?
[But thanks, will try this, after learning from manual copies of the
jars into program/classes, that that may solve the problem.]

> (Reading helps.) 
Where am I told to look up for reading materials on Ubuntu, if Ubuntu
deviates so badly from the reference package of OOo/LO?

> That one contains the "common" Java atuff (except the URE Java components, 
> which are in URE)
> (a apt-file search or a search on packages.debian.org/.ubuntu.com would have 
> shown you where unoil.jar is)
How would I know?
[But thanks for the pointer at "apt-file".]
The reference installations from OOo/LO work. Why should I expect that
Ubuntu (and maybe Debian) cripple OOo/LO?

> As Java is not a "must-have", it was, is, and always will be in an optional 
> package.
*Who* defines that Java is *not a "must-have"* in todays world?

If you do not install it, you cripple OOo/LO bad time! E.g. one cannot
use scripts written in JavaScript and much more (like databse, xsl/xml,
report etc.). This stance may be o.k. for amateurish ..., but is not
o.k. for professionals living in todays world and who have been
constantly witnessing the changes and raising needs and taking advantage
of them.

>> probably the culprit on Ubuntu (assuming that your Debian installation
>> package has it), breaking the office.
> I am 100% sure Ubuntu also has it.
> What breaks here is that you cannot properly use your package manager.
>> BTW, René,  where could one download your version of the deb package to
>> test it?
> Debian. Where else?
Would you care for an URL?
(You see by this question, that I have no experiences with using plain
vanilla Debian whatsoever and therefore am lost in inferring an URL for
downloading OOo/LO for Debian from the unknown Debian site.)


O.K. in the meantime I did an "sudo apt-get install
libreoffice-java-common". This /almost /fixes the situation.

There is one disturbing behaviour now: if one starts LO manually or via
a program, every second (!) time there is a

    com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetRuntimeException: [context="shared"]
    caught unexpected exception!

while doing a loadComponentFromURL() via a

Going via the Ubuntu menu/GUI, swriter abends without notice. If one
starts the office desktop (?) and starts swriter from their, it
eventually succeeds.

Clearly, this is not a situation that one wants end-users to be exposed
to, who must infer that it is a very unstable office product!

Removing ".libreoffice" in the user's home directory remedies this
strange behaviour for the price of loosing all user's office related


Anyway, this thread is really totally off-topic for the OOo list, so
please advise what mailing lists I should use in the future for
reporting problems with Debian's OOo/LO versions?


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