Hi René,

On 07.06.2011 14:07, Rene Engelhard wrote:
>> Insulting people does not change facts and reality either, but is quite
> You don't? Aha. I see insults from you too. "You cripple XYZ". When
> we don't. (And you say we do that intentionally, which is also a insult)
O.K., I take this one on my shoulders, sorry, if you - as a person -
took this as an insult, it was never meant to address you. (From your
mailings it is clear that you have not removed functionality from the
reference OOo or LO packages from the respective Debian package,
therefore you have never been meant to be addressed.)

The accusation of "crippling" has been aimed at those who are
responsible for removing functionality (= crippling) from the reference
package of OOo or LO, which I regard as the "standard", the baseline of
functionality. Whatever functionality the standard/reference package
possesses is what professionals should be able to rely on to be
available, if anyone else creates/distributes an OOo or LO package
(possibly with added functionality, leaving the base line, i.e.
standard/reference package, intact).



P.S.: In the case of Ubuntu I would expect that they at least advertise
very prominently that their OOo/LO distribution is not a standard one,
but one that lacks features compared to the standard OOo/LO packages.
This way, everyone would be aware of this fact and if the information
was given, how to add the missing pieces ("sudo apt-get install
librefoffice"), end-users would become able to upgrade the "special
Ubuntu OOo/LO" to the full package on their own.

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