On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> Matt Amos wrote:
>> in which case we're trading development effort for performance.
>> i think we're operating in areas constrained by the lack of
>> available developers, so making the barrier to entry higher is a
>> tough decision.
> (Speaking seriously for once...)
> Kind of, but it's not a simple trade-off. Certainly as far as Potlatch is
> concerned, server performance issues require development effort on the
> client. The problem that's been brought up both here and on talk, where the
> server dies halfway through a write operation and leaves the database in an
> inconsistent state, is an example of this - there are others.

these problems are not due to rails - most are due to the lack of
transactions, which is an implementation problem, and the many others
are version race conditions, which is an API design problem. lets not
confuse a performance issue with a bug or correctness issue.

> When TomH did the quadtile stuff, that added a degree of complexity for a
> boost in performance. I doubt anyone now would say it was the wrong
> decision.

absolutely, but i'd say that was a small increase in complexity in a
small corner of the code (which is well hidden) for a large boost in
performance. i'm sorry if i gave the impression i was totally against
any form of increased complexity, because i'm not. i just think these
things need to be balanced on a case by case basis.

in the case of quadtile, i think the extra complexity was worthwhile.
in the case of SQL in the amf_controller, i'm not so sure. this is
just my opinion.



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