On 27 July 2011 23:43, Greg Brown <gk_br...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> I suppose I saw it as a ParallelTaskExecutor or TaskGroupExecutor, and
>> not a ParallelTask or TaskGroupTask.  This is probably where the
>> initial confusion came from.
> I can understand that. OTOH, TaskGroupTask (or ParallelTaskGroupTask) is sort 
> of verbose and arguably redundant, and as you noted, once you recognize that 
> TaskGroup and TaskSequence extend Task, the existing behavior makes more 
> sense.

(I was/am not pushing to change the names - just explaining how I came
to the conclusions I did)

Long, but I wouldn't say verbose.  Especially in the world of (pre
1.7) java generics!

The name 'TaskGroupTask' captures something that is lost when the last
'Task' is removed.  That information is obviously available in the
javadocs themselves, source code or your IDE of choice, but it clearly
passed me by.  Arguably, a total lack of javadocs might have helped me
pick up on the fact that it is just a Task.

While TaskGroupTask initially looks redundant, I think it is easily
justifiable simply because it is a Task that does something with a
Group of Tasks (which in Pivot would be called a TaskGroup)

GroupedTask is shorter and makes it clear that it is a Task but loses
something along the way.  What is it that is grouped?
GroupedTasksTask is just hideous ;)

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