By that logic, we'd need to qualify every class in the frame work. E.g. we 
wouldn't just have a "Button", we'd have a "ButtonComponent". That is obviously 
overkill, and I think it would be overkill here as well.

On Jul 27, 2011, at 1:11 PM, Chris Bartlett wrote:

> On 27 July 2011 23:43, Greg Brown <> wrote:
>>> I suppose I saw it as a ParallelTaskExecutor or TaskGroupExecutor, and
>>> not a ParallelTask or TaskGroupTask.  This is probably where the
>>> initial confusion came from.
>> I can understand that. OTOH, TaskGroupTask (or ParallelTaskGroupTask) is 
>> sort of verbose and arguably redundant, and as you noted, once you recognize 
>> that TaskGroup and TaskSequence extend Task, the existing behavior makes 
>> more sense.
> (I was/am not pushing to change the names - just explaining how I came
> to the conclusions I did)
> Long, but I wouldn't say verbose.  Especially in the world of (pre
> 1.7) java generics!
> The name 'TaskGroupTask' captures something that is lost when the last
> 'Task' is removed.  That information is obviously available in the
> javadocs themselves, source code or your IDE of choice, but it clearly
> passed me by.  Arguably, a total lack of javadocs might have helped me
> pick up on the fact that it is just a Task.
> While TaskGroupTask initially looks redundant, I think it is easily
> justifiable simply because it is a Task that does something with a
> Group of Tasks (which in Pivot would be called a TaskGroup)
> GroupedTask is shorter and makes it clear that it is a Task but loses
> something along the way.  What is it that is grouped?
> GroupedTasksTask is just hideous ;)

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