(I'm not ignoring your points/questions - I will get back to them in a
separate reply)

The name TaskGroup, in combination with the javadocs, made me think of
a Group of Tasks that will be executed in parallel using the (default
or optionally supplied) ExecutorService.

I suppose I saw it as a ParallelTaskExecutor or TaskGroupExecutor, and
not a ParallelTask or TaskGroupTask.  This is probably where the
initial confusion came from.

Once you think of TaskGroup a just another Task, it follows that the
ExecutorService provided in the constructor would be used to just run
the execute() method of TaskGroup, as would happen with any other

So I might have approached it differently if the class names had an
extra 'Task' appended to them (TaskGroupTask/TaskSequenceTask), and/or
the javadocs said 'Task that runs...' rather than 'Class that runs


On 27 July 2011 23:09, Greg Brown <gk_br...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>> The Javadoc says pretty much the same thing as I wrote above:
>> With the crucial exception of how they accomplish what they
>> accomplish, and in particular, the use of a supplied ExecutorService.
> I agree that the Javadoc could provide more detail. But the fact that 
> TaskGroup and TaskSequence might use a different executor service honestly 
> never occurred to me, so I didn't mention it.
>>> TaskSequence - "Class that runs a sequence of tasks in series and notifies 
>>> listeners when all tasks are complete."
>>> TaskGroup - "Class that runs a group of tasks in parallel and notifies 
>>> listeners when all tasks are complete."
>> I think you would agree that those single statements and the others in
>> the javadocs are not sufficient to understand how the tasks are
>> executed and therefore when it might be appropriate to use these
>> classes ...
> Actually, I think they are sufficient. The only subtlety is which executor 
> service runs the tasks. Otherwise, the classes do exactly what the Javadoc 
> says.
> I think this may be more of an API design question than a documentation 
> issue. The question is - do you want to allow callers to execute sub-tasks in 
> a different executor service from the parent or not? Or, put another way, is 
> a developer likely to expect that sub-tasks are executed in the same executor 
> as the parent or not?
> If the former is true, then I think the existing API and documentation is 
> sufficient (though admittedly sparse). If the latter is true, then moving the 
> ExecutorService to the execute() method and adding more detail to the docs 
> would definitely be appropriate.

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