>>> But by then I couldn't really see what these classes offer.
>> They offer exactly what was described earlier in the thread - a means for 
>> executing a set of tasks in sequence or in parallel.
> Unfortunately this thread is not referenced in the javadocs :)
> As this thread's existence proves, the javadocs still left me with questions.

The Javadoc says pretty much the same thing as I wrote above:

TaskSequence - "Class that runs a sequence of tasks in series and notifies 
listeners when all tasks are complete."

TaskGroup - "Class that runs a group of tasks in parallel and notifies 
listeners when all tasks are complete."

> I just didn't (and still don't) see much difference between these
> classes and other utility methods or classes that have been
> rejected/declined as not offering much that an individual developer
> couldn't quickly knock up themselves, to their exact specifications.

These classes add value because they address a common requirement for 
application developers. They are non-trivial and aren't likely to vary from 
application to application, so there's no need to force developers to write 
them themselves.


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