Hi Carlos,

I skimmed through https://material.io/guidelines/# last night.

My impression is that there were two parts to it.  First was the
environment/principles section which talked about physical objects and
light (and motion), and then there were choices of widgets.  For example,
I didn't see anything in the first part that said that a text input had to
be a single line and couldn't be a box.

That made me think that we could use our widget set and apply Material
environment and principles to it.  If we decide not to, I would think you
would want to have some sort of similar environment/principles document
which seems like a fair amount of work.  I think we'd end up looking
different because we have different widgets and maybe some different
colors.  I'm pretty sure that we don't want to be different so much that
we don't create things that folks want to use.  The priority to me is just
to prove that you can alter every pixel in every widget we have so that
others can provide custom skins as well.  So starting with Material
principles seems like it would save us time, we can get something
released, and can innovate more later.

Maybe a good question for our users is:  How many of you used the default
Flex skins vs a whole new set of skins?  If most folks completely
re-skinned to match their corporate branding, it matters less what our
default is, and more that we can allow folks to customize every pixel.

The wireframe can be black and white, IMO.  I was thinking that "vivid"
would have parameterized colors.

Since Bootstrap was mentioned, I want to point out that the Flat.swc is a
rough approximation of the Flat theme which is a Bootstrap theme.  It is a
rough approximation because I could not use the Flat CSS file directly
since it contains much more advanced CSS than we currently support on the
SWF side.  But it presumed that the Checkbox was a Label with a Span that
hides in front of or behind the <input type="check" /> in order to allow
customizing every pixel.  Looks like MDL uses the same Span trick but
maybe without a symbol font.

Basic is, IMO, truly meant to be Basic.  I think the Basic Checkbox should
not have that extra Span.  But it looks to me that a SkinnableCheckbox can
add that extra Span and you either give it the same class name that
BootStrap or MDL uses or create our own set of classnames and the CSS that
goes with it.

Of course, I could be wrong.  This is not my area of expertise at all.

On 11/3/17, 1:35 AM, "carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
<carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of carlos.rov...@codeoscopic.com> wrote:

>Hi Alex,
>2017-11-03 7:39 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>:
>> Hi Carlos,
>> Looks good to me.  Thanks for doing this.
>Thanks :)
>> I'm not sure I understand all of the aspects of this effort.  My current
>> understanding is that Google Material is under the Apache License and
>> we can use it if we want to.  Am I correct that MaterialDesignLite is
>> implementation of Google Material and we could create our own
>> implementation and it could be visually different?
>We can implement our own material in Royale, but I'm afraid that doing
>will not make us
>highlight our solution against the rest of competitors. Another point is
>something I said various times:
>When I did MDL, I notice a huge problem: MDL has its own set of
>some are in all sets (Button)
>but others not (Card), and they has it's own implementation, what make it
>almost impossible generalize
>a theme. For this reason I always point that we need our own set and there
>we can implement themes. But other
>*externa* sets will never get this since they have its own implementation
>and most important once you start to develop
>with MDL you can't go back and change for other. So MDL is for me
>we have until our own set are robust and
>highly configurable in both the things we can do and how can it could be
>represented, and switch between style should be
>really easy to change the global look of an App without much hassle.
>> Also, IIRC, Material has different components than Flex did so we'd have
>> to invent some new looks anyway.  So having a TextInput with borders all
>> around would just be our flavor of Material.
>That's what I point above. We must to *freeze* the list of components at
>some time work over a concrete set
>We can then plan in the future include a new component in the official
>and that will need to work on the themes we already
>have to include the new one.
>> Regarding colors, it looks like Material is parameterized around a
>> of colors.  So if we did our skins to work against parameterized colors
>> then would it really matter what color we choose?
>That's completly right. I could make wireframe based on two or three
>and as you change it in CSS all controls should tint
>> Regarding Basic components, right now Checkbox is a <label><input
>> type="check"/>caption</label>.  AIUI, you cannot style the <input> on
>> browsers, so I think we have to have a different set of elements in a
>> checkbox.  It looks like Bootstrap uses:
>>     <label><input type="check"/><span />Caption</label>
>> Where the span uses a special symbol font with checked and unchecked
>That's what we need to figure. Should we make themes available in Basic?
>so, has basic the right implementation?
>If not, and if we don't want to change the actual very basic
>implementation, we need to put some "skin" implementation
>that at least in JS implementation I figure that will change one face (the
>actual basic) with the theme face.
>I'm thinking loud, since this is something we should explorer all together
>mixing the best ideas of people involved
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>> On 11/2/17, 5:15 PM, "carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of Carlos
>> <carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> >I want to expose my initial work (very very initial) on two styles for
>> >Royale
>> >
>> >
>> >Wireframe:
>> >https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
>> https%3A%2F%2Fsnag.gy%2
>> >FtDFxQT.jpg&data=02%7C01%7C%7C203485b5b9c744aed92608d52250
>> 0f48%7Cfa7b1b5a7
>> >b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&
>> sdata=%2Fk8YQxC5bDOaC
>> >D8ZfcTzpuqZyBNTKKvkFgqDgnnWZ%2BA%3D&reserved=0
>> >
>> >(Wireframe intention is for quick Royale App prototyping, people will
>> >this to start their applications, and then moving to it's own styling
>> >could be another royale theme provided by us, or something done by
>> >
>> >Vivid (to put some temporal name):
>> >https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
>> https%3A%2F%2Fsnag.gy%2
>> >FqKShm0.jpg&data=02%7C01%7C%7C203485b5b9c744aed92608d52250
>> 0f48%7Cfa7b1b5a7
>> >b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&
>> sdata=kxYE7ylOsXPUEeE
>> >r%2BU3AnSe9zEyqgqmsIAAYW6nVuGs%3D&reserved=0
>> >
>> >(*Please, Notice that only the first button has some styling here*)
>> >(This theme could be the default theme for royale components like halo
>> >for mx and spark was for spark)
>> >
>> >I want to put in place all the main components, so I would need some
>> >"component list" (Button, TextInput, CheckBox,...and what more?.), and
>> >we'll be centering all the effort in only that list of components.
>> >We need to "paint" all and the code all.
>> >
>> >The concept of theme involve a concrete set of components (and this
>> >us again if we should do this to be pluggable for Basic, or go directly
>> >with Express, I think even Basic should be able to use a theme maybe
>> >beads to be PAYG)
>> >
>> >So, before continue tomorrow, I want some feedback on this:
>> >
>> >* I think Wireframe is clearly something Black&White, maybe as I did,
>> >some grey scale colors. But for Vivid, I'm still figuring if it should
>> >something "flat" and very simple, or go with something more elaborated
>> >since the thing I did in the example with orange button.
>> >
>> >* I like the look and feel of Google Material, how textfields looks and
>> >behaves, the animations, and visual concepts. But the problem is that
>> >that visuals are clearly Google Material. Should we create something
>> >new? This has a problem that maybe we could reach something great....or
>> >not, and is more work to iterate something until we reach a good point.
>> >For example, the text input I created has the classic box look, for me
>> >Material Design is better with only a bootom line, but the first is
>> >generalist, while the second is clearly google, android,... I could
>>try to
>> >think in something new a see what happens
>> >
>> >* In the other hand, someone would want to join me in this effort? If
>>so I
>> >could center in the design part, and other person could work with me on
>> >the
>> >example project "RoyaleThemes". The example app is very important,
>> >it
>> >could have a playground for every component so we can tweak at
>>runtime. we
>> >could even generate the code to get that look...this could be like
>> >FlexThemeManager App that we had in the Flex days.
>> >
>> >* About colors for the second again, don't have any preferences right
>> >I put the same colors that use on the web in the first button, but as I
>> >said before things (colors and forms) could change dramatically in the
>> >second set. In the first one (Wireframe) I think it's ok to go the path
>> >exposed in the image example.
>> >
>> >Thanks for your comments on this, we'll be defining what we want as we
>> >comment here ok?
>> >I'm done for today,
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >2017-11-02 14:22 GMT+01:00 Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>:
>> >
>> >> Thanks Harbs!
>> >>
>> >> very useful, I'll be keeping this info as I make some work
>> >>
>> >> Carlos
>> >>
>> >> 2017-11-02 12:13 GMT+01:00 Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com>:
>> >>
>> >>> BTW, the kind of thing we should be striving for in theme-able
>> >>>components
>> >>> is something like this:
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
>> https%3A%2F%2Fvcalend
>> >>>ar.netlify.com%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C203485b5b9c744aed92608d52250
>> 0f48%7Cf
>> >>>a7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&sdata=
>> b3VtV
>> >>>VdACL0Z2EVnIFo2%2BgqSFmJMocDL6k%2Ba6A1ewco%3D&reserved=0
>> >>><https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
>> https%3A%2F%2Fvcalen
>> >>>dar.netlify.com%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C203485b5b9c744aed92608d52250
>> 0f48%7C
>> >>>fa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&sdata=
>> b3Vt
>> >>>VVdACL0Z2EVnIFo2%2BgqSFmJMocDL6k%2Ba6A1ewco%3D&reserved=0>
>> >>>
>> >>> > On Nov 2, 2017, at 12:01 PM, Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>> >
>> >>> > FYI, I worked out a theming class for my (Royale) InDesign
>> >>> which allows for setting global CSS at runtime. The approach might
>> >>> useful in your theming effort:
>> >>> >
>> >>>https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
>> https%3A%2F%2Fpaste.a
>> >>>pache.org%2FcOBC&data=02%7C01%7C%7C203485b5b9c744aed92608d52250
>> 0f48%7Cfa
>> >>>7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&
>> sdata=bRWKxm
>> >>>LL16u%2B48IXYdA%2FoEtLWF3eU%2FIGQzBfcVCar5g%3D&reserved=0
>> .
>> >>>apache.org%2FcOBC&data=02%7C01%7C%7C203485b5b9c744aed92608d52250
>> 0f48%7Cf
>> >>>a7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&sdata=
>> bRWKx
>> >>>mLL16u%2B48IXYdA%2FoEtLWF3eU%2FIGQzBfcVCar5g%3D&reserved=0>
>> >>> >
>> >>> > (Some of the code is specific to Adobe Extensions.)
>> >>> >
>> >>> > Some pointers:
>> >>> > I used inject_html because I needed some overrides in a CSS file.
>> >>> might have been able to rework it so the CSS file was not needed.
>> >>> >
>> >>> > There is a function called createStyleSheet which is commented
>> >>> That creates a stylesheet called “royale_theme_styles”. It’s the
>> >>>as
>> >>> including a blank css file with the same name, but it’s loaded
>> >>>dynamically
>> >>> rather than requiring the file to be included. If that function is
>> >>> inject_html is not necessary.
>> >>> >
>> >>> > The order of dynamically loaded CSS has the same rules as CSS
>> >>> via declaring it in HTML and the later ones override the earlier
>> >>>We
>> >>> can probably take advantage of that for different levels of
>> >>> >
>> >>> > HTH,
>> >>> > Harbs
>> >>> >
>> >>> >> On Nov 1, 2017, at 8:05 PM, Carlos Rovira
>> >>> <mailto:carlosrov...@apache.org>> wrote:
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >> Hi,
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >> I think I could start to try what Harbs expose, although I think
>> >>>what I
>> >>> >> will need in the end is to control some SVG parts with variables.
>> >>>Maybe
>> >>> >> with the showed SVG/CSS relation could be sufficient. I'll be
>> >>>showing
>> >>> how
>> >>> >> limitations I find. As well as Alex said having inline SVG as
>> >>> would be
>> >>> >> very useful.
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >> 2017-11-01 18:27 GMT+01:00 Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com <mailto:
>> >>> harbs.li...@gmail.com>>:
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >>> I’m not sure. I haven’t seen problems.
>> >>> >>>
>> >>> >>> The only issues that come to mind are:
>> >>> >>> 1. There’s no load events on SVG images on Microsoft browsers.
>> >>> >>> 2. Chrome has issues with SVG, transforms and fractional pixels.
>> >>> >>> 3. There’s some blending issues that different browsers handle
>> >>> differently
>> >>> >>> depending on isolation modes.
>> >>> >>>
>> >>> >>> There’s likely other issues, but these are ones that I’ve had to
>> >>>deal
>> >>> with.
>> >>> >>>
>> >>> >>> The major gotcha in terms of mixing HTML and SVG is that HTML
>> >>>not
>> >>> be
>> >>> >>> nested inside SVG without ForeignObject. ForeignObject does not
>> >>>have
>> >>> full
>> >>> >>> browser support.
>> >>> >>>
>> >>> >>>> On Nov 1, 2017, at 7:08 PM, Alex Harui
>> >>> <mailto:aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>> wrote:
>> >>> >>>>
>> >>> >>>> A couple of years ago, I thought I had learned that some
>> >>>had
>> >>> >>>> issues with SVG background-images.  Maybe psuedo-states were
>> >>> involved,
>> >>> >>> but
>> >>> >>>> a Button might "blink" as it changed states and loaded an SVG
>> >>> >>>> background-image.  Do we know if that was just a bug in some
>> >>>browser
>> >>> or
>> >>> >>> is
>> >>> >>>> that still a concern?
>> >>> >>>>
>> >>> >>>> I think I would like to see a simple set of HTML/SVG/CSS/JS
>> >>> shows
>> >>> >>> how
>> >>> >>>> any declarative SVG and JS have to work together to handle
>> >>>resizable
>> >>> >>>> skins/components.  Then it might be more obvious what needs to
>> >>> change in
>> >>> >>>> the tooling.  We allow inline HTML now in MXML.  I think we
>> >>> can/should
>> >>> >>>> allow inline SVG, but for both inline HTML and SVG, id's in the
>> >>> inline
>> >>> >>>> content do not become id's to MXML and AS.
>> >>> >>>>
>> >>> >>>> HTH,
>> >>> >>>> -Alex
>> >>> >>>>
>> >>> >>>
>> >>> >>>
>> >>> >
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Carlos Rovira
>> >>
>> >>https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
>> http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%
>> >>2Fcarlosrovira&data=02%7C01%7C%7C203485b5b9c744aed92608d52250
>> 0f48%7Cfa7b1
>> >>b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&
>> sdata=C7a72gwfH2
>> >>64wTla%2Fl%2FT9fLB5ODZWiSnRqIzGfFCREU%3D&reserved=0
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >--
>> >Carlos Rovira
>> >https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
>> http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2
>> >Fcarlosrovira&data=02%7C01%7C%7C203485b5b9c744aed92608d52250
>> 0f48%7Cfa7b1b5
>> >a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&
>> sdata=C7a72gwfH264w
>> >Tla%2Fl%2FT9fLB5ODZWiSnRqIzGfFCREU%3D&reserved=0
>Carlos Rovira
>Director General
>M: +34 607 22 60 05
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