Seems like we are in the same kind of business !

Like you say, a "corporate theme" fits our needs.
I understand that this is not very appealing for "branded" web interfaces, but 
from a practical point of view, it is what is needed when data is more 
important than the container !
Remember that our users do not use our apps because they are "attracted" but 
mainly because they are "interested" !!! (design is less important than 

Nicolas Granon

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : gkk gb []
> Envoyé : vendredi 3 novembre 2017 20:58
> À :;
> Objet : RE: Working on UI Controls styling
> I largely agree with your comments here.
> My enterprise/corporate web app actually used the default styling --
> neutral (gray) buttons/etc. with corporate blue highlights for
> selection etc. found in default Spark. I didn't want the components to
> stand out and be distracting. They're necessary, and should look nice,
> but should not grab attention and be distracting. So font choice is
> critical for readability (I use Roboto google font) and appearance
> should be stylish, but otherwise should remain in the background. The
> star of the show are the charts, text, data associated with the app. My
> interest wouldn't be fancy themes; I'd rather see a full component set.
> Just my 2 cents...
> > On November 3, 2017 at 10:29 AM Idylog - Nicolas Granon wrote:
> >
> >
> >     Quote :
> >     " Maybe a good question for our users is: How many of you used
> the default Flex skins vs a whole new set of skins? If most folks
> completely re-skinned to match their corporate branding, it matters
> less what our default is, and more that we can allow folks to customize
> every pixel."
> >
> >     For enterprise (business) RIAs, we have *always* sticked to the
> "standard" theme (Halo, then Spark).
> >     It was very neutral, which is good for enterprise apps.
> >     Yet a bit more elaborate than usual (local installed) business
> apps...(rounded corners, gradients).
> >     The default font was excellent.
> >     For business apps, a fancy theme (skins) is not very desirable...
> >     One key point is excellent readability, and excellent
> differentiation between unselected, hovered and selected items (in a
> list, in a form...).
> >     All in all, something close to default adobe themes fits us
> perfectly !
> >
> >     OF course, our usage might not be typical...
> >
> >     Nicolas Granon
> >
> >
> >
> >         ---Message d'origine-----
> De : Alex Harui [
> .INVALID] Envoyé : vendredi 3 novembre 2017 17:53 À : dev@royale.apache
> mailto:dev@royale.apache .org Objet : Re: Working on UI Controls
> styling
> Hi Carlos,
> I skimmed through last night.
> My impression is that there were two parts to it. First was the
> environment/principles section which talked about physical objects and
> light (and motion), and then there were choices of widgets. For
> example, I didn't see anything in the first part that said that a text
> input had to be a single line and couldn't be a box.
> That made me think that we could use our widget set and apply Material
> environment and principles to it. If we decide not to, I would think
> you would want to have some sort of similar environment/principles
> document which seems like a fair amount of work. I think we'd end up
> looking different because we have different widgets and maybe some
> different colors. I'm pretty sure that we don't want to be different so
> much that we don't create things that folks want to use. The priority
> to me is just to prove that you can alter every pixel in every widget
> we have so that others can provide custom skins as well. So starting
> with Material principles seems like it would save us time, we can get
> something released, and can innovate more later.
> Maybe a good question for our users is: How many of you used the
> default Flex skins vs a whole new set of skins? If most folks
> completely re-skinned to match their corporate branding, it matters
> less what our default is, and more that we can allow folks to customize
> every pixel.
> The wireframe can be black and white, IMO. I was thinking that "vivid"
> would have parameterized colors.
> Since Bootstrap was mentioned, I want to point out that the Flat.swc is
> a rough approximation of the Flat theme which is a Bootstrap theme. It
> is a rough approximation because I could not use the Flat CSS file
> directly since it contains much more advanced CSS than we currently
> support on the SWF side. But it presumed that the Checkbox was a Label
> with a Span that hides in front of or behind the in order to allow
> customizing every pixel. Looks like MDL uses the same Span trick but
> maybe without a symbol font.
> Basic is, IMO, truly meant to be Basic. I think the Basic Checkbox
> should not have that extra Span. But it looks to me that a
> SkinnableCheckbox can add that extra Span and you either give it the
> same class name that BootStrap or MDL uses or create our own set of
> classnames and the CSS that goes with it.
> Of course, I could be wrong. This is not my area of expertise at all.
> -Alex
> On 11/3/17, 1:35 AM, "
> on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
> wrote:
> >Hi Alex,
> >
> >2017-11-03 7:39 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> >
> >> Hi Carlos,
> >>
> >> Looks good to me. Thanks for doing this.
> >>
> >
> >Thanks :)
> >
> >>
> >> I'm not sure I understand all of the aspects of this effort. My
> >>current understanding is that Google Material is under the Apache
> >>License and thus we can use it if we want to. Am I correct that
> >>MaterialDesignLite is one implementation of Google Material and we
> >>could create our own implementation and it could be visually
> >>different?
> >>
> >
> >We can implement our own material in Royale, but I'm afraid that doing
> >that will not make us highlight our solution against the rest of
> >competitors. Another point is something I said various times:
> >When I did MDL, I notice a huge problem: MDL has its own set of
> >components, some are in all sets (Button) but others not (Card), and
> >they has it's own implementation, what make it almost impossible
> >generalize a theme. For this reason I always point that we need our
> own
> >set and there we can implement themes. But other
> >*externa* sets will never get this since they have its own
> >implementation and most important once you start to develop with MDL
> >you can't go back and change for other. So MDL is for me something we
> >have until our own set are robust and highly configurable in both the
> >things we can do and how can it could be represented, and switch
> >between style should be really easy to change the global look of an
> App
> >without much hassle.
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Also, IIRC, Material has different components than Flex did so we'd
> >> have to invent some new looks anyway. So having a TextInput with
> >> borders all around would just be our flavor of Material.
> >>
> >
> >That's what I point above. We must to *freeze* the list of components
> >at some time work over a concrete set We can then plan in the future
> >include a new component in the official set, and that will need to
> work
> >on the themes we already have to include the new one.
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Regarding colors, it looks like Material is parameterized around a
> >>couple of colors. So if we did our skins to work against
> parameterized
> >>colors then would it really matter what color we choose?
> >>
> >
> >That's completly right. I could make wireframe based on two or three
> >colors and as you change it in CSS all controls should tint
> >consistently.
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Regarding Basic components, right now Checkbox is a <input
> >>type="check"/>caption. AIUI, you cannot style the on many browsers,
> so
> >>I think we have to have a different set of
> elements
> >>in a checkbox. It looks like Bootstrap uses:
> >>
> >> Caption
> >>
> >> Where the span uses a special symbol font with checked and unchecked
> >>boxes.
> >>
> >
> >That's what we need to figure. Should we make themes available in
> Basic?
> >if
> >so, has basic the right implementation?
> >If not, and if we don't want to change the actual very basic
> >implementation, we need to put some "skin" implementation that at
> least
> >in JS implementation I figure that will change one face (the actual
> >basic) with the theme face.
> >
> >I'm thinking loud, since this is something we should explorer all
> >together mixing the best ideas of people involved
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Alex
> >>
> >> On 11/2/17, 5:15 PM, "
> >> on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
> >>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> >Hi,
> >> >
> >> >I want to expose my initial work (very very initial) on two styles
> >> >for Royale
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Wireframe:
> >> >
> >>
> >> >FtDFxQT.jpg&data=02%7C01%7C%7C203485b5b9c744aed92608d52250
> >> 0f48%7Cfa7b1b5a7
> >> >b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&
> >> sdata=%2Fk8YQxC5bDOaC
> >> >D8ZfcTzpuqZyBNTKKvkFgqDgnnWZ%2BA%3D&reserved=0
> >> >
> >> >(Wireframe intention is for quick Royale App prototyping, people
> >> >will
> >>use
> >> >this to start their applications, and then moving to it's own
> >> >styling
> >>that
> >> >could be another royale theme provided by us, or something done by
> >>users.
> >> >
> >> >Vivid (to put some temporal name):
> >> >
> >>
> >> >FqKShm0.jpg&data=02%7C01%7C%7C203485b5b9c744aed92608d52250
> >> 0f48%7Cfa7b1b5a7
> >> >b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&
> >> sdata=kxYE7ylOsXPUEeE
> >> >r%2BU3AnSe9zEyqgqmsIAAYW6nVuGs%3D&reserved=0
> >> >
> >> >(*Please, Notice that only the first button has some styling here*)
> >> >(This theme could be the default theme for royale components like
> >> >halo
> >>was
> >> >for mx and spark was for spark)
> >> >
> >> >I want to put in place all the main components, so I would need
> some
> >> >"component list" (Button, TextInput, CheckBox,...and what more?.),
> >> >and we'll be centering all the effort in only that list of
> components.
> >> >We need to "paint" all and the code all.
> >> >
> >> >The concept of theme involve a concrete set of components (and this
> >>bring
> >> >us again if we should do this to be pluggable for Basic, or go
> >> >directly with Express, I think even Basic should be able to use a
> >> >theme maybe
> >>using
> >> >beads to be PAYG)
> >> >
> >> >So, before continue tomorrow, I want some feedback on this:
> >> >
> >> >* I think Wireframe is clearly something Black&White, maybe as I
> >> >did,
> >>in
> >> >some grey scale colors. But for Vivid, I'm still figuring if it
> >> >should
> >>be
> >> >something "flat" and very simple, or go with something more
> >> >elaborated since the thing I did in the example with orange button.
> >> >
> >> >* I like the look and feel of Google Material, how textfields looks
> >> >and behaves, the animations, and visual concepts. But the problem
> is
> >> >that
> >>all
> >> >that visuals are clearly Google Material. Should we create
> something
> >>more
> >> >new? This has a problem that maybe we could reach something
> >> >great....or not, and is more work to iterate something until we
> reach a good point.
> >> >For example, the text input I created has the classic box look, for
> >> >me Material Design is better with only a bootom line, but the first
> >> >is
> >>more
> >> >generalist, while the second is clearly google, android,... I could
> >>try to
> >> >think in something new a see what happens
> >> >
> >> >* In the other hand, someone would want to join me in this effort?
> >> >If
> >>so I
> >> >could center in the design part, and other person could work with
> me
> >> >on the example project "RoyaleThemes". The example app is very
> >> >important,
> >>since
> >> >it
> >> >could have a playground for every component so we can tweak at
> >>runtime. we
> >> >could even generate the code to get that look...this could be like
> >> >FlexThemeManager App that we had in the Flex days.
> >> >
> >> >* About colors for the second again, don't have any preferences
> >> >right
> >>now,
> >> >I put the same colors that use on the web in the first button, but
> >> >as I said before things (colors and forms) could change
> dramatically
> >> >in the second set. In the first one (Wireframe) I think it's ok to
> >> >go the path exposed in the image example.
> >> >
> >> >Thanks for your comments on this, we'll be defining what we want as
> >> >we comment here ok?
> >> >I'm done for today,
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >2017-11-02 14:22 GMT+01:00 Carlos Rovira :
> >> >
> >> >> Thanks Harbs!
> >> >>
> >> >> very useful, I'll be keeping this info as I make some work
> >> >>
> >> >> Carlos
> >> >>
> >> >> 2017-11-02 12:13 GMT+01:00 Harbs :
> >> >>
> >> >>> BTW, the kind of thing we should be striving for in theme-able
> >> >>>components is something like this:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> https%3A%2F%2Fvcalend
> >> >>>
> >> 0f48%7Cf
> >>
> >>>a7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&sdata
> >> >>>=
> >> b3VtV
> >> >>>VdACL0Z2EVnIFo2%2BgqSFmJMocDL6k%2Ba6A1ewco%3D&reserved=0
> >> >>><
> >> https%3A%2F%2Fvcalen
> >> >>>
> >> 0f48%7C
> >>
> >>>fa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&sdat
> >> >>>a=
> >> b3Vt
> >> >>>VVdACL0Z2EVnIFo2%2BgqSFmJMocDL6k%2Ba6A1ewco%3D&reserved=0>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> > On Nov 2, 2017, at 12:01 PM, Harbs
> wrote:
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> > FYI, I worked out a theming class for my (Royale) InDesign
> >>extensions
> >> >>> which allows for setting global CSS at runtime. The approach
> >> >>> might
> >>be
> >> >>> useful in your theming effort:
> >> >>> >
> >> >>>
> >> https%3A%2F%2Fpaste.a
> >> >>>
> >> 0f48%7Cfa
> >> >>>7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&
> >> sdata=bRWKxm
> >> >>>LL16u%2B48IXYdA%2FoEtLWF3eU%2FIGQzBfcVCar5g%3D&reserved=0
> >>
> >>>>><
> p
> >>>>>ast
> >>>>>e
> >> .
> >> >>>
> >> 0f48%7Cf
> >>
> >>>a7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&sdata
> >> >>>=
> >> bRWKx
> >> >>>mLL16u%2B48IXYdA%2FoEtLWF3eU%2FIGQzBfcVCar5g%3D&reserved=0>
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> > (Some of the code is specific to Adobe Extensions.)
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> > Some pointers:
> >> >>> > I used inject_html because I needed some overrides in a CSS
> file.
> >>I
> >> >>> might have been able to rework it so the CSS file was not
> needed.
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> > There is a function called createStyleSheet which is commented
> >>out.
> >> >>> That creates a stylesheet called “royale_theme_styles”. It’s the
> >>same
> >> >>>as
> >> >>> including a blank css file with the same name, but it’s loaded
> >> >>>dynamically rather than requiring the file to be included. If
> that
> >> >>>function is
> >>used
> >> >>> inject_html is not necessary.
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> > The order of dynamically loaded CSS has the same rules as CSS
> >>loaded
> >> >>> via declaring it in HTML and the later ones override the earlier
> >>ones.
> >> >>>We
> >> >>> can probably take advantage of that for different levels of
> >>defaults.
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> > HTH,
> >> >>> > Harbs
> >> >>> >
> >> >>> >> On Nov 1, 2017, at 8:05 PM, Carlos Rovira
> >><
> >> >>> > wrote:
> >> >>> >>
> >> >>> >> Hi,
> >> >>> >>
> >> >>> >> I think I could start to try what Harbs expose, although I
> >> >>> >> think
> >> >>>what I
> >> >>> >> will need in the end is to control some SVG parts with
> variables.
> >> >>>Maybe
> >> >>> >> with the showed SVG/CSS relation could be sufficient. I'll be
> >> >>>showing
> >> >>> how
> >> >>> >> limitations I find. As well as Alex said having inline SVG as
> >>HTML
> >> >>> would be
> >> >>> >> very useful.
> >> >>> >>
> >> >>> >> 2017-11-01 18:27 GMT+01:00 Harbs <
> >> >>> >>
> <mailto:
> >> >>> >>:
> >> >>> >>
> >> >>> >>> I’m not sure. I haven’t seen problems.
> >> >>> >>>
> >> >>> >>> The only issues that come to mind are:
> >> >>> >>> 1. There’s no load events on SVG images on Microsoft
> browsers.
> >> >>> >>> 2. Chrome has issues with SVG, transforms and fractional
> pixels.
> >> >>> >>> 3. There’s some blending issues that different browsers
> >> >>> >>> handle
> >> >>> differently
> >> >>> >>> depending on isolation modes.
> >> >>> >>>
> >> >>> >>> There’s likely other issues, but these are ones that I’ve
> had
> >> >>> >>> to
> >> >>>deal
> >> >>> with.
> >> >>> >>>
> >> >>> >>> The major gotcha in terms of mixing HTML and SVG is that
> >>can
> >> >>>not
> >> >>> be
> >> >>> >>> nested inside SVG without ForeignObject. ForeignObject does
> >> >>> >>> not
> >> >>>have
> >> >>> full
> >> >>> >>> browser support.
> >> >>> >>>
> >> >>> >>>> On Nov 1, 2017, at 7:08 PM, Alex Harui
> >>< .INVALID
> >> >>> > wrote:
> >> >>> >>>>
> >> >>> >>>> A couple of years ago, I thought I had learned that some
> >>browsers
> >> >>>had
> >> >>> >>>> issues with SVG background-images. Maybe psuedo-states
> were
> >> >>> involved,
> >> >>> >>> but
> >> >>> >>>> a Button might "blink" as it changed states and loaded an
> >> >>> >>>> SVG background-image. Do we know if that was just a bug in
> >> >>> >>>> some
> >> >>>browser
> >> >>> or
> >> >>> >>> is
> >> >>> >>>> that still a concern?
> >> >>> >>>>
> >> >>> >>>> I think I would like to see a simple set of HTML/SVG/CSS/JS
> >>that
> >> >>> shows
> >> >>> >>> how
> >> >>> >>>> any declarative SVG and JS have to work together to handle
> >> >>>resizable
> >> >>> >>>> skins/components. Then it might be more obvious what needs
> >> >>> >>>> to
> >> >>> change in
> >> >>> >>>> the tooling. We allow inline HTML now in MXML. I think we
> >> >>> can/should
> >> >>> >>>> allow inline SVG, but for both inline HTML and SVG, id's in
> >> >>> >>>> the
> >> >>> inline
> >> >>> >>>> content do not become id's to MXML and AS.
> >> >>> >>>>
> >> >>> >>>> HTH,
> >> >>> >>>> -Alex
> >> >>> >>>>
> >> >>> >>>
> >> >>> >>>
> >> >>> >
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> Carlos Rovira
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >>
> >> >>2Fcarlosrovira&data=02%7C01%7C%7C203485b5b9c744aed92608d52250
> >> 0f48%7Cfa7b1
> >> >>b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&
> >> sdata=C7a72gwfH2
> >> >>64wTla%2Fl%2FT9fLB5ODZWiSnRqIzGfFCREU%3D&reserved=0
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >--
> >> >Carlos Rovira
> >> >
> >>
> >> >Fcarlosrovira&data=02%7C01%7C%7C203485b5b9c744aed92608d52250
> >> 0f48%7Cfa7b1b5
> >> >a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452649612378558&
> >> sdata=C7a72gwfH264w
> >> >Tla%2Fl%2FT9fLB5ODZWiSnRqIzGfFCREU%3D&reserved=0
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >--
> >
> ><
> o
> >deo
> >
> 5
> >a7b
> >34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452949347201523&sdata=Hm%2B6WIcqQT
> O
> >Hs0 UppUdckW%2FhhyzErprotQUOZNtUtXU%3D&reserved=0>
> >
> >Carlos Rovira
> >
> >Director General
> >
> >M: +34 607 22 60 05
> >
> >
> d
> >eos
> >
> a
> >7b3
> >4438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636452949347201523&sdata=Hm%2B6WIcqQTO
> H
> >s0U
> >ppUdckW%2FhhyzErprotQUOZNtUtXU%3D&reserved=0
> >
> >
> >Conocenos Avant2 en 1 minuto!
> ><
> t
> >2.e
> >s%2F%23video&data=02%7C01%7C%7C6422929d95d1406eaa1c08d52295d8cf%7Cfa7b
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> i
> >t94 TOU%2BjWNuqeN%2FKAiwo7%2BpEVTx8mWLCSc%3D&reserved=0>
> >
> >
> >Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario y puede
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