Hi Alex,

I think that if you have the time to finish the automation is good enough.
This is one is maybe the most important point to get solved.
Once releasing is just push a button for any of us, things should be more
Hope others could go with rest of the task to do, that a side of fixing
some few things for a 1.0, should be focused on docs, and make accessible
Royale for newcomers.

I'm with you that is not real to get directly a 1.0 as next release, so
going to 0.9.6 and then in few weeks trying again for a 0.9.7 will be the
most easy way to reach 1.0
If in that process we find the release is still having some issues, we can
go to 0.9.8, and so on

El vie., 26 abr. 2019 a las 8:43, Alex Harui (<aha...@adobe.com.invalid>)

> I do not have an opinion on what technical/marketing criteria we use to
> decide which release to call 1.0.  I'm not working directly with
> users/customers.
> I do not currently have time/energy/budget to work on any of the things
> folks think need to be done to get to 1.0 and barely have enough time to
> work on getting the next release out.  So someone else will have to supply
> the time/energy/budget to get these tasks done.
> I do have an opinion based on a practical aspect.  So far, we have not had
> the release scripts properly generate the right version number for the NPM
> artifacts.  That's why we've jumped from 0.9.4 to 0.9.6 and skipped 0.9.5.
> So I would say we should not call this next release 1.0 and wait until the
> release automation can correctly version all artifacts with the right
> version number before we pick one to call 1.0.  With any luck I'll get the
> automation running next week and will ask for someone to volunteer to test
> drive it.
> -Alex
> On 4/25/19, 9:57 AM, "Kessler CTR Mark J" <mark.kessler....@usmc.mil.INVALID>
> wrote:
>     To give a perspective on the references and examples part from our
> organization...
>          When we started trying to convert one of our small apps we choose
> the Jewel set of components.  This was because it had lots of visible
> content and examples [1] whereas the standard examples were more limited
> [2].  Carlos does a good job of advertising new features with pictures,
> short descriptions, and some examples.  It would be nice to consolidate
> that information back into  the Royale site.  The Tour de Jewel examples
> being hosted on the Royale site is a good idea.  This is why we used Jewel
> as our base to build our organizational library from.  There might be other
> component sets that are fully functional, but without good references and
> examples they are basically unknown or gray boxes.
>         The hosted ASDOCs on the Royale site [3] are a bit harder to read
> and are missing different component sets like jewel.  We were not able to
> use it for finding most of the things we were looking for.  Instead we used
> the SDK source and searched for class names / content.  Then we could walk
> the class file source and their inheritance to find what we were looking
> for.  Like hunting for premade beads.
>     So if I were to order what a person might need to start (I know we
> have parts of this already):
>     -How to download SDK binaries and get minimum requirements done.
>     -What IDE's are available and how to set them up.
>     -Starting a new app and getting it to compile for the first time.
>     -Good reference (ASDOCs) being more complete.
>     -Examples of using the components and how to use them.
>     -Whole example applications showing a purpose and integration of
> multiple techniques.
>     [1]
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Froyale.apache.org%2Ftourdejewel%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ce884bd0d1c2f49f6bebf08d6c99f2129%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636918082633163959&amp;sdata=H0JPIF3M9MEYOhNSKp7rNFdrXa61pR2fZveGS3Ccs1c%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     [2]
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Froyale.apache.org%2Fcategory%2Froyale-examples%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ce884bd0d1c2f49f6bebf08d6c99f2129%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636918082633163959&amp;sdata=2AIJu8SJoERkzHjDW58kwzgeVNNqjLYAaCPx%2BBedcYU%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     [3]
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Froyale.apache.org%2Fasdoc%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Ce884bd0d1c2f49f6bebf08d6c99f2129%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636918082633163959&amp;sdata=L01ZNhEXKo001E25idVo9md2vqqhxKx%2FwCf%2BL%2BAzCuM%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     -Mark K

Carlos Rovira

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