On 4/12/20, 8:10 AM, "Yishay Weiss" <yishayj...@hotmail.com> wrote:

    One thing that bothers me with the CI is that if there are jobs already 
running or in the queue, it might take a long time to see the results of a 
release step. I’d like to be able to tell Jenkins to prioritize the release 
steps and reschedule all running or waiting jobs, which is what this plugin [1] 
seems to do. Should we install it?

Having to wait for other jobs is definitely a pain point.  I generally kill 
jobs in the queue.  But I've found that killing running jobs often leaves them 
in a state where they can't run again without manual clean up so I just go do 
something else while the running job finishes up and make sure my next job is 
the only thing in the queue.

A better solution, IMO, is for someone else to offer up a CI server only for 
release jobs.

A second-best solution, IMO, is to disable the slow jobs, especially Tour De 
Flex Migration, when we're trying to get a release out.  Unfortunately, my 
experience is that disabling a job makes the last known artifacts unavailable, 
which is undesirable.  I've pondered how to make it easier to temporarily edit 
the slow jobs to make them run only on manual trigger and restore the timer and 
other triggers when done.  Maybe there's a way to do that.


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